Month: January 2019

  • Pinterest for Business – The Basics

    If you follow me on Instagram you know I love to share Pinterest tips! But as I began to add more advanced information, it occured to me that there are many people who just need to know the basics. This post will serve as a cheat sheet as you start to explore the Pinterest world […]


  • Instagram for Business: Part 2 (Tools and Resources)

    Another post all about one of my favorite platforms, Instagram. In my last post we discussed the basics. Hashtags, content, engagement and how to attract your ideal client. If you missed it, be sure to read it here. This week I want to talk to you about the free tools I use to optimize all […]


  • How to use Instagram for Business – Part 1

    This post is all about Instagram and how I use it in my business. Some of the strategies I’m about to share have translated into actual money in the bank! I am not a social media guru, but I have spent a lot of time researching for myself and my clients and I’d like to […]