
  • How to Find Clients Through Facebook Networking

    At one time,  networking meant grabbing a stack of your business cards and heading to a networking event. You’d shake hands, tell countless other professionals what you offer and make as many connections as possible. And although networking events still exist, most networking is done online, mostly through social media, in the comfort of your […]


  • Content Marketing: What It Is and How It Can Work For You

    If you are a business owner who provides goods or services to literally anyone – content marketing is for you. If you’ve never heard this phrase before, or if the term “marketing” makes you sweat, hang in there. I’m going to break down exactly what content marketing is, the different ways it can be used […]


  • Pinterest for Business – The Basics

    If you follow me on Instagram you know I love to share Pinterest tips! But as I began to add more advanced information, it occured to me that there are many people who just need to know the basics. This post will serve as a cheat sheet as you start to explore the Pinterest world […]