
  • 4 Things You Need to Do LESS

    Less Is More

    We spend so much of our life trying for “more”. We talk about more money, more clients, more time, more energy, more freedom, more you fill in the blank. But more is not always better. You’ve heard the phrase “Less is more”, right? Well, the longer I’m in this business, the more that rings true.  […]


  • How to Find Clients for Your Virtual Assistant Business

    how to find clients for your virtual assistant business

    “How do I find clients for my VA business?” Yup, I’ve heard that one about a thousand times. Starting a business sometimes isn’t the hard part. The hard part is bringing in enough income to make this a sustainable, long-term business endeavor. So let’s answer this question once and for all! I want you to […]


  • 5 Email Marketing Mistakes…And How to Avoid Them

    email marketing mistakes

    Email marketing isn’t rocket science. Essentially, it’s just a matter of creating an email sign-up form, collecting email addresses, and then continuing to market and communicate with our audience. But just like most things, it’s the details that really matter. And there’s a whole lot of space between an email sign up form and a […]