How to Elevate Your Online Storefront

Most people judge a book by its cover. Right or wrong, first impressions are sometimes the only one you will ever get to make, and it’s important to make it count. If you’re an online-based service provider – where is that first impression usually made?

Your online storefront is the primary place that prospective clients will find you online. This might be your website, a Facebook business page, or a landing page. If you’re just starting, you don’t need a big fancy website, but you DO need to show up where you are at a high-level. First impressions matter.

I don’t think it’s helpful to constantly compare yourself to your online competition, but it’s important to remember that you’re not the only show in town. Your prospective clients have options. And if they are stacking you up against another service provider – your online storefront could be the thing that gives you the edge… or causes someone to click away and not return.

Most of your ideal clients are finding and checking out your website before they are even on your radar. Or maybe you’ve connected with them on social media – but you have no control over when they make the choice to click over to your website or business page and check you out.

Are the high-level services that you offer your clients reflected in a high level, elevated website or landing page? If your services don’t match the face you’re showing the world, you’re going to have a problem even getting on a discovery call.

So what exactly does an elevated online storefront look like? Here are the three things you should prioritize when you set-up or refresh your online presence.


First things first – if people don’t know who you are and what you do, you will lose them before they even read your snappy copy or see your fantastic headshots. Here’s the information that should be clearly stated and visible on the homepage or above the fold on your Facebook business page:

Who you are. This includes a clear, non-grainy, professional looking photo of YOU. 

What you do. In a nutshell, what do you do? What is your signature service?

How it will help your client. In as few words as possible, how will the service you provide transform the business of your ideal client?

In the words of the incredible Donald Miller, “If you confuse, you lose”. Don’t get hung up on cute and pithy. Clear is better than clever.


This doesn’t just apply to showing up on social media. Consistency is also about how you present your brand visually. Is there consistency in your colors, fonts, and graphics? As a rule of thumb, never use more than 2-3 complimenting fonts, and neutral colors with pops of bolder color. The average internet user is going to land on a page for a total of SEVEN seconds before deciding whether to click away or hang out and learn more. I can tell you right now that they aren’t sticking around to read a lime green font on a black background. 

Clean Copy

“Copy” refers to the words you use to sell your service. If you have a paragraph on your Services page about each service and the transformation it provides, that’s your web copy. And it matters. What you say is important, but how you say it is going to make all the difference. Spend some time rewriting, revamping, revisiting, and reediting the copy on your website or online storefront. Ask a trusted friend or business mentor to proofread and offer constructive feedback. Good copy is engaging, compelling, and invites the reader to connect with you to learn more. It does NOT need to be lengthy to be impactful.

Did you pass the test?

If you can effectively apply these three principles to your online storefront, you’ll be well on your way to an elevated online presence that accurately reflects the level of service you can provide.

Let me leave you with a question: How many potential clients have you lost because of your website or online presence? I’m guessing you have no idea because people don’t call to let you know they didn’t choose you.

Don’t leave money on the table because your online storefront isn’t sending the right message. 

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
