5 Email Marketing Mistakes…And How to Avoid Them

Email marketing isn’t rocket science. Essentially, it’s just a matter of creating an email sign-up form, collecting email addresses, and then continuing to market and communicate with our audience.

But just like most things, it’s the details that really matter. And there’s a whole lot of space between an email sign up form and a functional email marketing campaign that creates conversions.

In the case of email marketing, it pays to get “in the weeds” and find out how to do it the right way. It’s the difference between wasting time and making money.

When I created my first email list, I made pretty much every rookie mistake in the book. But here’s the good news – these mistakes aren’t a learning curve – it’s totally possible to avoid these missteps completely. That’s what I want for you.

So let’s talk about email marketing mistakes…and what to do instead.

Mistake #1: Only Using a Sign-up Form

Installing a sign-up form on your website is the easy part. And a lot of business owners think that’s the only part. Here’s the truth, people are not visiting your website with the intention of just handing over their email for no reason at all. It’s naive to think that we are going to collect enough addresses to make an impact by chance.

Try this instead:

Create a freebie, known as a lead magnet, that encourages people to subscribe to your email list. I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about. Every good website has a lead magnet. A free download, guide, or printable that promises something that you want. It turns out that people will be willing to part with their email in exchange for something. We just have to create something they want. Which leads me to mistake #2…

Mistake #2: Creating a Generic Lead Magnet

When I found out about lead magnets, I was ecstatic. YES! This is something I can do! I created a gorgeous monthly planner, complete with to-do lists, budget sheets, etc. It was really awesome, (if I do say so myself) and I collected over a thousand emails using this planner as my lead magnet. So where’s the mistake? It was universally attractive. Everyone can use a planner, and I filled my email list with people who would never be interested in my services. They never opened my weekly emails, and many unsubscribed within the first few months. I purged the rest from my list when I realized my mistake months later.

Try this instead:

The goal is to create a freebie that meets a need, solves a problem, or makes your ideal client’s life easier. It’s not just a freebie. It’s something that communicates that you understand them, you are equipped to serve them, you have valuable advice, skills, and information that can help them. The key is to find a freebie that speaks to their need, and illustrates your skill.

Can you really say all that with a lead magnet? YES.

Mistake #3: Not Using a Welcome Automation Sequence

All email marketing service providers allow you to create a series of emails that are automatically delivered to your new subscribers. When someone subscribes to your email list, you have a golden opportunity to connect with them right away. They are expecting you to email them because they just signed up! It’s a critical mistake not to take advantage of the chance to create a lifelong fan of your business.

Try this instead:

Creating an automation sequence might sound super technical, but it’s really pretty simple. The goal is to take your reader on a journey, from the welcome and delivery of your freebie to specific emails designed to pique curiosity in your services, deliver massive value, and build trust. Welcome sequences, also known as the “nurture sequence” are generally 3-5 emails and when the last one is delivered, you can choose to have them join your mail email list and begin to receive emails with the rest of your list.

Mistake #4: Not Nurturing Your List on a Weekly Basis

Once you have successfully created a lead magnet and set up your email list, the fun doesn’t stop there! It’s a mistake to collect email addresses and not use them. In fact, I often tell my coaching clients that if you don’t have time to send at least one email a week to your list – don’t create one in the first place. The whole point of an email list is to send regular emails.

Try this instead:

Create an email schedule for yourself and write and schedule your weekly emails in advance. You may even want to take a day and create all the emails for an entire month and schedule them. The goal is consistency. Miss a week? Miss a month? Don’t write your whole email list off. Just pick up where you left off and start sending emails again as soon as possible.

Mistake #5: Only Sending Promotions and Sales Emails

If you’re associating an email list with the type of promotional emails you get from big retailers, you might have the wrong idea about what kind of emails to send your list. It’s a mistake to only send promotional and sales emails. Do those have a place? Absolutely. But if you have a set service list, it’s going to be difficult to continually recycle and repeat information in a new and fresh way.

Try this instead:

Give value to your list. It’s ok to highlight a service you provide but always talk about it in the context of how it can transform their business and help solve a problem. And don’t stop there. Prove your knowledge and expertise by sending emails full of tips, tutorials, information, and value. Yup, there’s that word again. Value. Make it worth their time to open the email. Keep value in the front of your mind as you create content for your email list and you’ll keep them coming back for more.

One Last Thing

There’s one more thing I’d like for you to consider. Email marketing is a high-level, specialized service that you can offer your clients. Creating your own thriving email list has a double benefit – once you’ve got it figured out, you can offer it as a service. Every time you send an email to your list (which is hopefully filled with ideal clients!), you are reminding them what a successful email list – run by you – would look like.

If you’re ready to take the leap into email marketing, there’s a course for that. In fact, I created the Start and Grow Your Email List mini-course just for people like you. If you are ready to take the plunge, and apply the framework that will help you build a thriving email list, look no further!

Learn More Here

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About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
