Using Instagram Reels to Grow Your Audience

If you’ve been around for a while, you know how I feel about Instagram

*All the heart eyes*

Why do I love thee? Let me count the ways: It allows me to easily get in front of my ideal clients, it provides me with tools to find my ideal clients (hello, hashtags), and it’s the best platform for genuine connection. Basically, it’s a service provider’s dream platform.

And now, Instagram has given me one more reason to love them: Reels.

What are “Reels”? 

In August 2020, Instagram debuted “Reels”. In short, Reels are 15-30 second video clips, usually set to music or recorded as a voice-over (lip-sync). These videos are intended to pack a punch and tend to be a little more silly and entertaining than other Instagram video avenues. In other words, this is NOT just another way to record stories or long-form video.

Why you should try using them:

  • The algorithm is prioritizing Reels right now. We don’t know how long this will last, but for right now, take advantage of this advantage!
  • Reels have a longer “shelf life” than IG Stories, which disappear after 24 hours. You can also choose to have any Reel appear in your profile as a regular post (this option depends on your location), boosting it’s view potential even more.
  • Reels have vast potential for virility, or “going viral”. The format of Reels gives you the opportunity to broaden your audience and increase engagement by presenting content that people want to watch with more than once. 
  • Reels give you many opportunities to reuse and maximize exposure to your content. You can re-post a Reel to your stories, save to your feed, and re-post to TikTok and other apps.

Okay, But What Should I Post?

Try to think of each individual Reel as a mini commercial for your business. It needs to build like, know, and trust with you and your brand. Use the like, know, and trust filter to determine if a Reel idea is worth taking the time to create.

Keep in mind that viral content is usually polarizing, hilarious, or presents new information in a way that encourages sharing.

Here are a few basic do’s and don’ts to get you started:

DO use text to enhance your video, but keep that text in the center of your video, especially if you are sharing your reel to your feed, so the text doesn’t get cut off. 

DO use other users’ sounds and music. Unlike in most other other types of content, copying, stealing ideas, and using the same sounds, music, or dance moves is encouraged in Reels.

DON’T record yourself talking for 15 seconds. Unless you’ve scripted a super punchy speech, or quick 3 step process that you record with different frames and/or interest that draws the eye. 

DO combine music and text to maximize your impact.

Ready for a few ideas?

The best way to get started posting Reels is to just get started. Your first Reel will probably feel awkward and uncomfortable. Just do it and I promise it will get easier!

  1. The point and smile. This one works well with music that is just instrumental (not a hard-fast rule though), and has a catchy beat. Try pointing with the beat, and add the text bubbles using the in-app editing tools. Check out an example here.
  1. Lipsync TV and movie quotes. This one requires a bit of acting, but is one of my personal favorites! Add text that makes the voice-over relevant to your business and you’ll be providing both value AND entertainment. Win-win! Check out an example here.
  1. Mini-tutorial. This works best if you can *show*, not *tell*. If you offer any services that are visual (graphic design, social media), this type of Reel could be your bread and butter! 

Here’s my final word on Reels: This is a tool that can help you expand your audience in a new (and fun!) way. It’s not a substitute for other forms of content marketing, but rather a new method that can be incorporated into your marketing strategy and content planning. 

Don’t overthink it! Just experiment with different types of Reels and let your audience response dictate what type of content you create in the future.
I’ve been having a lot of fun with Reels over the last few months, and I encourage you to “borrow” my ideas and sounds for your own audience! Check out my latest Reels over on my Instagram: @peggyrejames

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
