Do you have a unique position?

Your “unique position” in the online business world might not be what you think it is. Your unique position is NOT the same as your speciality; your speciality, (Marketing Coach, Dubsado Specialist, System Strategists, Copywriter, etc.) is a title, it’s what you do.

A unique position is how you do it. It’s how you get someone specifically and uniquely from point A to point B. It is a specific angle where you provide a specific transformation. When we adopt this unique position and create messaging around it, it’s going to be much more attractive to our ideal client than any other person that has the same title.

The best way to illustrate this is give you some specific examples of how a unique position elevates your message online:

Example #1

I am a marketing coach, and I could easily say, “I’m a marketing coach and I help you sell consistently, and find clients.” There’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s a little bit vanilla. If we are trying to stand out, then we need to have a little something extra. This can be a great way to draw in ideal clients and repel the wrong ones at the same time, and it happens by positioning yourself just a little bit differently or uniquely. 

Here’s a unique position:  “I’m a marketing coach that helps you sell consistently without sales calls”. 

We need to have something a little bit extra that draws in people, and that peaks people’s interest.In order to stand out, you have to position yourself differently. 

Example #2

Let’s just say you are a funnel expert. A unique position for a funnel expert could be, “I help you create simple organic funnels through the power of email marketing and Pinterest”. That’s a little bit more unique than just saying “I help you create organic funnels”. And this could go a million different directions. “I’m a funnel expert that helps you utilize lead pages and Facebook ads, to blow up your business”, and so on.

Example #3

Let’s use the example of a Nutritional Coach. You teach nutrition, so you can literally help anybody. But that’s not specific enough. The type of nutrition you teach and the type of people you help can be part of your unique position. For example  “I help nurses and healthcare professionals find nutrition balance without meal prepping”. 

Finding your unique position 

It’s not just about the unique position that you derive from your speciality, there’s also personal branding, your messaging, and your online storefront. There’s so many different ways for you to stand out. 

But if you are really great at marketing, if your messaging is on point and maybe you’re feeling like you’re just struggling to gain the authority to get the visibility that you want, I want you to dive into this idea of unique positioning. Because it’s not enough for you just to have a unique title or a niche title or a specialty of some sort, you have to take it a step further. 

You probably already have a framework, a method to which you do things that help your clients get a transformation. So it’s really just paying attention to how your clients go through your offers or work through your offers. The way I help my clients discover their unique position is helping them walk through when a new client comes into our world. What happens next? Where are they starting? What are you teaching them? How are you getting them from point A to point B?

If you can articulate how you get someone from point A to point B, and you can lay out the steps, then you can take that  and create your unique position. You can use that in your messaging. 

Cultivate your unique position

For those that are like “I don’t know how to pull out my unique position”, understand that you can slowly cultivate it. You do this by starting to pay attention to how you are delivering your service or offer.

Dig deep into “what am I offering?” and “what transformation am I giving and how can I make it better?”, and then test it and tweak that.. Because it’s there. There is a unique position there. Nothing can replace action, nothing can replace you doing your work and figuring out what your unique position can be. 

So if you don’t feel like you have one, then you probably just need some time to cultivate it and you need to be taking action to figure out what that is.  Action is key here when you are having trouble pinpointing your unique position.

Unique position can morph

As your experience grows, as your transformation morphs, as they get bigger and better, and as your systems change, then so can your unique position. It can morph and grow with you. So, this isn’t, “I figured it out, this is where I’m going to stand and stay”. Nothing is set in stone. 

Don’t be scared to take action because you’re scared to make a mistake. You can always change your mind and there’s nothing wrong with that. 

In summary, having a unique position in the marketplace is going to set you apart, is going to help you stand out, is going to help you attract ideal clients into your business. It is going to be easier to sell, it’s going to be easier to market, and it is overall going to be easier to help you grow your brand year after year. 

I want to invite you to my Get Visible three-day Challenge.. This is where we are going to maximize and expand your visibility for faster growth. This challenge is absolutely free and it is happening inside my free Facebook group. 

It starts July 10th through July 12th. Don’t forget to sign up because there are going to be bonuses, freebies, giveaways, and you don’t want to miss the  reminders, cheat sheets, guides and templates that you can print out. 

The only way that you get all of those goodies and extras is if you actually join by signing up. See you next week! 

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
