When it feels like nothing is working

Today we’re chatting about the common reasons why things might not be working in your business right now. And when I say things might not be working, I’m referring to revenue. So let’s talk about some things that you could do to potentially change that direction. 

This is gonna be the one that I want you to come back to when you need a bird’s eye view at your business and dig into why something is not working. 

You are out of alignment

I would say the most common reason that I see is even though you’re not completely out of alignment with what you’re offering, there is a feature or a deliverable in the offer that you don’t love. Sometimes we might not even understand why things aren’t working, but if there’s something in our offer that we don’t like, subconsciously, we can sabotage ourselves and not show up with the energy and the enthusiasm that is needed to sell our offers.  

On the other hand, it could be that you don’t like what you’re offering, your niche, or your specialty. Of course, that’s more extreme but it does happen. You might be out of alignment and you might need to pivot and change. 

You are all over the map

Are you trying to implement a lot of strategies, usually without a plan, and you are just hoping that something would stick? Now is not the time to start spreading yourself thin with all the different marketing strategies that are out there. I need you to be intentional. Go back to what you know, focus on that, tweak there, refine there, test there, and get curious.

You are promoting more than you are giving value

There is a tendency to create content that is only centered around your offer. Now listen, I support you selling every single day, but this is about the ratio of promotion and value. If you are selling more than you are giving value and that balance is off-kilter, it’s not going to work. “Value” is personal content, inspirational and motivational content, and it’s you showing up as the person that you are and allowing yourself to be seen. We’ve got to balance it out there. 

You’re not promoting enough

Maybe you’re giving all the value, but no one actually knows how they can buy from you.

You’ve got to tell people what you do and how you can help them and the transformation that you provide. If it’s not at least three to four times a week, it’s not enough. Statistically speaking, with all the noise and the fast pace that exists online, people aren’t seeing your stuff. You’re allowed to promote more.

You quit too soon 

This might be the biggest one. If you would just have hung on for another month, you probably would have gotten the results that you wanted to see. These things take time, especially if you are in a pivot, or if you changed things up recently, or if you have a new offer. It takes time for momentum to build. 

You are not prioritizing connections with new and existing ideal clients

If you want to make consistent sales and you want to continually have warm leads in your audience, you must prioritize bringing new ideal clients into your world, getting in front of them, nurturing them, and continuing to connect with them on repeat. I even prioritize connection-building with my existing clients. This is a really good smart business decision. 

I’m willing to bet that if something in your business isn’t working, one of the reasons I’ve outlined above is the culprit. 

I always want to remind you, Grow Business and Marketing Academy is the program where I can help you make more money and work less, help you build a scalable business model and develop a marketing strategy that you can put on repeat. If you feel like nothing is working right now, I can help you figure out why and I can give you the tools to fix it, to tweak, to refine and to make it work again

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
