Is educational content marketing dead?

Today we’re talking about educational content. I’ve labeled this episode, “Is educational content marketing dead?” And the short answer is: no, nope, never, nada. It will never be dead. Educational content will never be dead because your ideal client is never going to get tired of you solving their problems, they will always appreciate it. 

The trend away from educational content? 

Maybe you haven’t noticed the buzz I have because I feel closer to the other coaches in the space. But I’ve been hearing things like “stop with the educational content, it doesn’t get people to buy”. I just think that’s a bunch of hooey, because educational content does so many amazing things for the growth of your business.

Overcome the Fear

I personally have had fears around creating too much educational content at one point, because I felt like if I gave too much educational content, no one would want to buy from me. That was a big fear that I had to overcome. 

When you provide educational content in bits and pieces, it is not the full picture. It might be super valuable and super tangible, but it is a small portion of what you do and how you can help. It might give people something that they can implement right away, but it’s not going to encompass everything that you do. And when you go to sell the offer that you’ve supported so well through educational content, they’re way more likely to buy from you.

People pay for the whole picture

When you are consuming educational content from whoever it is online, it is a part of their process, their framework, their body of work. It is not the whole picture or the sequential whole picture. 

People pay you for the front to back, start to finish, the step one through seven in the right order. And no matter what it is that you are selling, you have a certain way that you do things, and there are nuances to those things. You cannot cover those things in your educational free educational content.

Educational content is needed

Educational content is actually more needed now than ever, because there’s so much noise in the online space and it’s hard for people to differentiate between someone that might not be as qualified versus someone that’s been doing this for a while. You are telling people “I can help you with this”. 

Without giving them some tangible things to work with, It’s not going to build the trust that you need to build. They’re going to lean more into the person that is generous, that gives freely and that has spent that time to build that trust with them. Take a look at the educational content you’re sharing and evaluate how much you’re actually incorporating that into your content marketing. It’s such a powerful tool!

Educational content positions you as an expert

I think people fail to realize that through educational content, you position yourself as an expert. You position yourself as the authority. You position yourself as the person who knows what they are doing. It builds authority and trust.

Sometimes I’ll feel like, “whoa, I gave them so much value, they may feel like they don’t need to purchase from me”, but then they do. Why? Because I’ve built massive trust with them. I’ve given them quick wins. I’ve allowed them to connect the dots with my educational content. They view me as the authority and they buy from me. That’s who I’m talking to. That’s who I’m creating this content for. What do you want them to know? What do you want them to have a baseline on?

And just know that the content that I create for this podcast is just bites, it’s pieces, of what is inside Grow Business and Marketing Academy. So if you are benefiting from these episodes every single week, know that it’s just a piece of the puzzle. 

And as a reminder for those of you who maybe are newer to me or this podcast, GROW is the program where I help you make more money and work less through a scalable business model and powerful marketing. So if that sounds like something that you want and it’s something that you are aspiring for, it’s a perfect time to jump in and really start structuring your business in a way that supports long-term scalability.

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
