Access Unlimited Growth Through Your Personal Brand

Did you know a personal brand can help you scale your business? When I first started my business,  I had no idea that showing up online and sharing the behind the scenes of my life was building a personal brand.

Something that goes hand and hand with building a personal brand is a phrase you’ve probably already heard: The like, know and trust factor. This is a phrase that’s been around for awhile, but we’re going to dig into it anyway, because it’s so important. People buy from people that they know, they like and they trust. 

And you can build trust faster if they can know you and they like you. So if you have that trifecta, you’re golden. You will scale your business much faster if you prioritize that like, know and trust factor and humanize yourself. THAT is personal branding.

Is that the ONLY way? No. You can have a business without having a personal brand, but I will argue that it will not be as easy for you. 

I’m here to tell you that building a personal brand will make it a lot easier for you to make money right now and will make it a much, MUCH easier to make money down the road. 

Building my personal brand has been instrumental in what I’ve been able to do in my own business. I just simply shared pieces of my life, and began connecting with people on a more personal level. 

If you’re a natural extrovert like me, this might come more easily to you, but personal branding is for introverts too! I want you to know that it is possible for you, even if you’re one of those people who feels like getting on camera is intensely painful. 

The Top Two Objections

There’s a couple different reasons why people shy away from showing their life behind the scenes or showing what goes on behind closed doors. You might be resistant to building a personal brand for one of these reasons, so I want to work through them with you.

You want to keep your life private.  Maybe you don’t want people to know the ins and outs of everything you’re doing. I actually agree. I don’t want to share everything either. And I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to share everything to have a personal brand.

You get to create a personal brand, and that means you get to decide what parts of your life that you’re comfortable sharing. It’s not always about sharing deep, personal thoughts and feelings or broadcasting our failures and struggles. It’s about leaning into the defining qualities that you possess that will help your ideal client connect with you. 

It really starts with just the first step of figuring out some of those defining factors and incorporating them in your brand and chatting about them. What can help people relate to you and know you outside of just business stuff?

You don’t want to get on video. The second thing people have resistance toward is video. I’ll be honest: Showing up on video will help you build your personal brand faster. BUT, it’s not the only way to build a personal brand. I’m not in the business of telling you that there’s only one way to do something. 

You can build a personal brand through your copy. You can build a personal brand through almost any social media platform. And you can build it through your blog, through a podcast, and so on.

There are many different ways to humanize yourself, to build trust, to help people know you.

I want you to ask yourself: If I could choose a way to build my personal brand, what would I do? Get creative! 

Building a Personal Brand

I want you to think of your personal brand as a big umbrella. And underneath that umbrella is your business. It is going to allow you the freedom to diversify and make shifts over the life of your business. It’s going to allow you to create a product and sell it more easily. To create courses, write a book, start public speaking…there are a million ways to branch off and make money in different ways. If you’ve built a personal brand that is about YOU, this will be 100x easier to do.

You are it, you are the magic. As you continue to grow and the more years that you spend building your personal brand, while you’re building your business, you build an audience.

Let’s look at the flip side of this. Let’s just say you’ve built a business. BUT,  you’ve really not built a personal brand to go with it.

This is fine for the short term. But let’s just say you wanted to branch off or pivot your business in a new direction. You don’t have a large audience of people that follow you for you. You might have a large audience, but they are only there for the business that exists in its current state. Building a personal brand is like built in job security.

Start to notice who YOU follow and why you follow them. Is what they are doing duplicatable in your own business? 

So what have we learned today? Build a personal brand. Prioritize it. Sprinkle it into your business stuff. Right now you can build your business and your brand together at the same time. 

Personal branding is one of my favorite topics, and I have a whole lesson on this inside Grow Business and Marketing Academy. If you’re unfamiliar with Grow Business Marketing Academy, it is a program designed to help you work less and make more money through a scalable business model.  I created Grow Business and Marketing Academy because growth happens in the details, and I want to help women discover what they might be missing that can propel them to unimaginable heights.

If you haven’t listened to the podcast yet, be sure to check this episode out! I share a ton of details and examples of personal branding that can help you visualize how you can start implementing this game-changing strategy in your own business TODAY.

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More



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