Sell Every Day

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Sell your offer with these customizable Instagram story slides!

    Most online specialists and coaches want to generate more revenue, but they miss the mark when it comes to prioritizing selling. Those that DO prioritize selling, often aren’t effective in their strategy (or lack thereof). You CAN grow your business exponentially through the right messaging, marketing strategy and actually promoting your offers. Keep reading to learn how you can sell every day without fatiguing, annoying, or driving away your ideal clients so you can grow and scale your business!

    Your framework for growth

    If you want to sell every day, then you need to be prioritizing bringing new people into your world every day. The growth of your audience matters if your goal is to grow. It is essential to nurture them through content marketing (that supports your offer)and personal content. The next piece of the puzzle is fostering and creating personal connections. This is essential for building authority and trust. It’s okay to promote your offers with clarity and intention, and to do it OFTEN!

    Selling mindset

    You can not sell your offer if YOU don’t believe in your offer. Your ideal client is better off with your offer than without it. From this perspective, selling your offers is the kind thing to do. Remember, your clients have more, not less when they pay you. Don’t get caught in the trap of feeling responsible for other people’s feelings/blocks. When you don’t sell, you hurt yourself AND your ideal client. Here’s a good rule of thumb: always assume your ideal client wants your offer. Start embodying these simple mindset shifts!

    It’s all about trust

    Nurturing your audience is about building trust. Because ultimately if you are not trusted then your ideal client will not buy from you. Here’s a short list of how to build trust with your audience: 

    • Show up consistently
    • humanize yourself
    • Give value
    • Be confident in what you do
    • Provide social proof

    These actions will ultimately nurture your ideal client closer into an offer.


    Your content needs to support what you are selling (specifically what you are selling next). So if you have a handful of offers, you need to get clear on what you want people to buy in the next month/quarter/year. If you are utilizing social media to market and sell, you need to integrate personal content into the mix. Be intentional as you create content and engage with your audience, keeping your offer in mind.

    Balancing selling with value

    Selling is asking. You are asking your ideal client for something. There’s nothing wrong with selling (asking) often, BUT if we are then we need to have a healthy balance of nurturing and selling. This means not ghosting our audience when we aren’t in a selling season and being sure we are continuing to engage with our ideal client and provide plenty of valuable content.

    Putting it all together

    You can sell every day and you can make money every day, it’s all about intentionality, strategy, and consistency. If your goal is to build a scalable business, make 6-figures, and work less, please understand that it is NOT just about how often you sell or even how many clients you have right now. It’s about building a structure that doesn’t depend on your next client or your next launch. If you’re seeking real financial and time freedom through your business, you need to think bigger and start growing your business the right way.

    Grow Business and Marketing Academy is the program that helps you work less and make more money through a scalable business model.  And of course, we dive very heavily into marketing and selling. So everything that you learned today, plus SO much more, and SO much more in depth. If you’ve got questions, feel free to reach out to me through email or Instagram DM. I’d love to hear from you.

    About Me
    About Me

    Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
