Three elements of trust that lead to faster conversions

Today we’re chatting about trust and how trust plays a huge part in whether or not your ideal clients are going to convert or not. Your ideal client needs to trust you in order to buy from you, but there are a lot of different elements to trust that come into play here. When you understand those different elements you can deliver clear messaging, effective content,  and show up in a way that builds trust faster! Let’s dive in! 

#1 They need to trust you personally

This is what most people think of when they think of trust. This type of trust needs to be on a human level, it’s about who you are as a person. Are you a good person? Do you exhibit qualities that are trustworthy? 

It’s so important that they know you on a human level. This is even more critical if you are a coach,  mentor, or consultant, who works one-on-one with clients. When you provide solutions for people in a one-to-one way, that human side means a lot more. 

#2 They need to trust in your authority

Trusting your authority essentially means they trust in your expertise. They believe that you are who you say you are and that you can help them. They also trust in the transformation that you are promising them. This extends even further as they will begin to trust in the offer that you are selling. 

Let’s talk about how we can help people trust in our authority:

Number one: We have to give solutions to problems. We have to continually add value to our ideal clients’ lives. We need to give them a reason to come back for more.

Number two: We need to talk about our clients. We need to talk about who we are working with. It positions us as the authority and it helps our ideal clients understand how we could help them. 

Number three: We need to practice what we preach. Depending on what you’re offering, most of us can practice what we are preaching. That not only builds so much trust with prospective clients but also continues to build trust with your current clients as well.

Number four: In order to build this trust in your authority and your ability, be consistent. This is so underrated and not talked about enough. Prioritize that personal development and that personal growth, and just keep showing up.

#3 They need to trust themselves

One of the main reasons people don’t buy is because they don’t trust themselves. Maybe they don’t trust themselves enough to do the work because they don’t have a lot of time on their hands, maybe they’re not good at prioritizing themselves with their own business. Maybe they have invested in something in the past where they needed to do work and they didn’t show up. All or some of these factors can lead to a mindset where they don’t really trust themselves enough to do it this time. This is especially relevant for those of you in the coaching industry.

I want to caution you because we’re not here to convince people to buy from us, especially if they might not be ready. And that’s hard because we want to sell and it can be frustrating. But understand that most of the time their decision has nothing to do with you. 

So focus on what you can control, and how they can build trust in you as a human and your personal brand. How can you help them build trust in your authority and your knowledge, your ability, the transformation, and your messaging. And when we understand how when ideal clients don’t trust THEMSELVES, it can impact the sale, it provides some comfort and patience knowing that you can only control your own actions. 

As a reminder, I want to quickly talk to you guys about Grow Business and Marketing Academy. If you’ve been listening to this podcast for any length of time, you know I’m always talking about Grow. Grow is my signature group program that teaches you how to scale a business through a scalable business structure and allows you to work less and make more money. We go through every element of your business brick by brick to give you not only the BEST foundation possible but also to build a powerhouse of a business that meets all your needs and finances your dreams.

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About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
