HUSTLE is not a dirty word

Today we’re gonna talk about hustling. You know, that dirty word ‘hustle’ that has gotten a really bad rap over the last couple of years. Even if you think you know exactly what I’m going to say,  I encourage you to push through and listen to this episode, even if you want to plug your ears and shield your face, because hustling is not necessarily a bad thing. 

Sometimes you gotta hustle. I want to talk to you about when you might need to hustle a little bit or a lot. I also want to talk to you about how to protect yourself from burnout even when you are in a season of hustle because seasons of hustle can be beautiful for building momentum, getting to where you want to be, and fulfilling goals. Yes, hustling is okay. So let’s dive into it. 

Planning is essential

I feel like a lot of us have found ourselves in this space where we need to grow, we need some more clients, we need more revenue, but we don’t have enough time. This is when some hustling is needed, some rearranging is needed, and some sacrifice is needed. 

Look at where you are spending your time and start planning out when you are working with your clients and find pockets of time where you can intentionally market your business. You need to intentionally invest time toward creating revenue. If marketing is always the first thing to get cut from your to-do list, you’ll never get out of the endless merry-go-round of the hustle season.

Intentional effort pays off 

When I was creating my very robust Grow program, I was in hustle mode. I had to work extra. But I had to put in the time in order to get to where I wanted to go, and that wasn’t super fun, but it was purposeful.

When you put in some really intentional hustle toward marketing, toward intentional connection, lead generation, and selling, good things will happen. It might be intense for a couple of months, but that is going to pay off so much in momentum and revenue. Then you will be able to pull back a little bit. 

It’s your job to market your business. 

If you are not willing to market your business, to sell, to show up, to give value, and to create content, eventually you will be out of business. We can sometimes think of these things as a means to an end. You might be able to decrease intensity a little bit,  you might be able to create different strategies, and hire team members that could help in all of those things. But the truth is,  marketing is not a means to an end. If you don’t market your business consistently, you won’t be in business for long. It has to be something that you do consistently every single day. 

How do we not burn out during this season of hustle?

If you’re in a season where you need some momentum, you need to make things happen and you’re ready to enter that season of hustle, here’s what I recommend:  You should be planning hours where you are putting in that extra, intentional work, AND you should also designate times where you are taking care of yourself.

This is all about intentionality. Don’t compromise your relationships, your kids, and the things that are important to you. Don’t try to fill in every nook and cranny of your day.  Just like with your marketing,  I want you to be intentional. You’re not living in this constant state of “I must be marketing all the times!”. THAT leads to burnout.

Do you need some help prioritizing your marketing? Do you need some guidance on how to maximize the time you spend marketing your business, so you can eventually work LESS and make MORE? Then Grow Business and Marketing Academy is literally made for you. Inside my signature program, I take you through a seven-part framework that focuses on the details that matter most to the growth of your business and sets you up for unlimited scaling potential so you can actually make money and work less.  Click the link to join now. 

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
