Growing your business when you’re time poor

Today, we’re going to talk about how to grow your business when you are “time poor”. Being “time poor” will look different for everyone,  but ultimately here is what it means:  You feel like you do not have enough time to do the things you need to do, in life or in business, and you feel like this lack of time stunting your growth. You just do not have enough time to dedicate to the growth of your business. 

Do I have your attention yet? Great! I’ve got some great “hacks” for you today!  

#1 You’ve gotta have a North Star. 

You need to know where you’re headed, you need to have a vision and you need to have goals. You need to have a vision for your business, a vision for your life, and you need to have set goals for each of these areas. Ask yourself: Where am I headed? What do I want? How much revenue do I want to bring in, how many clients is that? How many hours a day do I want to work? And get really intentional on what you want. Without a clear North Star, it’s always going to feel like you’re spinning your wheels, no matter how much time you have or don’t have.

#2 Simplify. 

The more you can simplify, the easier things are going to be for you and the more time you’re going to find back in your day. We need to simplify our business structure overall, and that again starts with asking yourself a series of questions: What are you offering and how are you offering it? How can we simplify? Can we trim, can we restructure your offers so you are condensing the time and how you’re delivering those? Can we cut out the fluff, like extra calls or revisions or whatever the case may be? 

Please do yourself a favor and simplify where you can simplify. It will not make you lose money, and that mindset is going to keep you stuck.

#3 Commitment and discipline.

When you’re not working with a lot of time it can feel discouraging when you’re not able to do as much as other people or you’re not able to get as much done. I need you to stay the course and stay disciplined. It is required. You’re not always going to feel like it and some days are going to be tough, but I need you to dig in and declare your commitment to what you want, going back to your vision. Get committed and anchored in and stay disciplined.

#4 You need a plan. 

You’ve got your North Star. You know where you’re headed. Now make a plan. You have to do the things. So you have to map it out. What does it take to get to where I need to go? You need to make a plan to get you from point A to point B. We’ve got the plan and now it’s time to schedule it out. Break it down into as many pieces as is necessary. 

#5 Boundaries. 

You’ve got to tighten up your boundaries. I’m talking about not just life boundaries, but business boundaries as well. There are a lot of people that tend to go above and beyond for their clients or family. They go past the scope of what they’re being paid to do. When you are in a stage in your business where you don’t have a lot of time and you can grow your business, having strong boundaries is an absolute non-negotiable.

#6 Get support.

Get support from family members, get support in your business, get support from your spouse, and ask for help when you need the help. You don’t have to go through this alone. Get a coach or invest in the right course, the right program, or the right mentor. But if you want to condense time, then work with someone, get mentorship and guidance from someone who has done what you want to do. They will condense your time by giving you direction and step by step and guidance. 

Having someone who can support you through that is going to be such a great investment for you. It’s going to not only give you mental and emotional support, it’s also going to give you just the guidance, to condense time efficiently and help you find your way to the next level. 

Do you need some help prioritizing your marketing? Do you need some guidance on how to maximize the time you spend marketing your business, so you can eventually work LESS and make MORE? Then Grow Business and Marketing Academy is literally made for you. Inside my signature program, I take you through a seven-part framework that focuses on the details that matter most to the growth of your business and sets you up for unlimited scaling potential so you can actually make money and work less.  Click the link to join now

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About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
