Multi-Passionate vs. Niched

Today we’re gonna chat about being multi-passionate vs. niched in our business. When we are starting our business, we feel really excited and probably full of different ideas. There are a lot of different ways that you can make money online. Sometimes it’s difficult to rein ourselves in and not try to do it all. But when we don’t rein ourselves in, then things can get really chaotic in our businesses and we don’t make progress. 

I’m going to give you some of my unedited opinions. But I want you to understand that if you are a multi-passionate entrepreneur right now – and it’s working for you -that’s fantastic. Keep doing what you’re doing. But if you are listening to this and you want a simple business that makes a lot of money, then this message is for you. And I should add, if you’re a multi-passionate entrepreneur, I would still love for you to listen to this. I think you’ll still get a lot from this little chat we’re going to have here. 

It’s ok to be multi-passionate or niched

Some business owners have completely niched in, and now they’re very, very known for that one thing, which is great. But then I’ve seen other people really expand, being multi-passionate. They started with a small niche, and then as they grew, they expanded into a different offer or a different business. And so they’ve kind of created this mini empire where they’re offering multiple things underneath their brand which has also worked really, really well for them. So when I’m talking about being a multi-passion entrepreneur, it’s not that I think that you can’t make money doing that, but I think there’s some really important principles that we need to talk about to help you determine when is the right time to branch out.

Do not split focus

I think it’s very attractive to most people to feel like they can do lots of different things. But it also can cause split focus. Split focus equals split results. It doesn’t matter what you are applying that principle to in your business. If you are splitting your focus, then you are splitting your results. 

Establish your business first

If you are someone who has an established business right now, you have established your niche, you’re known for something, you’ve built authority, you’ve got some proven offers, and you are able to run your business without exhausting every hour that you have, then it might be a good time for you to branch out and to do something else. When you have the space, the firm foundation, and a team that can help “hold down the fort” while you explore other avenues of revenue, your current business won’t suffer. 

What I often see happening is people branching out BEFORE they have their first business settled in, before they have a proven offer, or before their authority is set in stone. They might look at the lack of revenue as proof they need to add another thing. So their business is already suffering a little bit. And it will suffer even more because they’ve created a situation where they now need to build momentum around a new thing. This can severely damage your business growth and your bottom line. 

Work smarter

This is not about limiting ourselves, it just means that we are working smarter. It doesn’t mean you can’t have those other things, but not in this season. That can be really hard, especially when we’re living in a world where anything is possible. Let me be clear, I DO believe that literally anything is possible. BUT you might not be meant to chase that thing that you want right this second. Depending on where you are in your current business and where you are in your life. 

If you want a simple business that generates a lot of revenue, then staying niched in is the smart thing to do. And then knowing that from there, you are building a foundation for which you can branch off of. 

If what you desire is a simple business that makes a lot of money, Grow Business and Marketing Academy was made for you, truly. It is a complete business growth system primarily created for those that have been in business for roughly one to three years. Those who have an established business. If you have the corner on your niche or maybe you haven’t successfully done that, but you want to be known for something, this is for you. But overall, you really want simplicity. You want to streamline. You want a business that doesn’t drain the life out of you, but you do not want to sacrifice revenue. This is going to be the program for you. It’s a complete system with tons of personal support from me.

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
