5 sales murdering mistakes you’re making in your marketing

What does this sensationalized title mean? An alternate title could be: things to not do in your marketing that’s costing you sales. Today I want to hit on what I think are the top five mistakes that are impacting your business, so that you know, and what you need to work on. 

If you want to stay in business you have to market. Over the years I’ve gotten way less shy saying that. I’m also definitely the person who is going to tell you that you need to look at more than just your marketing. If we’re not making sales then eventually our business will fail.

Mistake #1: Not having a plan 

I think people underestimate the power of a plan. Questions like these are overlooked: What am I selling this month? How many clients do I want to come in this month? How much money do I want to make?

If you want to bring ideal clients into your world, consistency and intentionality are vital.  It’s about going back to fundamental questions like,  what I am selling, who am I serving, who am I trying to bring in, how many clients do I want… and then really operating intention. Those that stay consistent through the plan, operate with more efficiency and much better results.

Mistake #2: Not being excited about your offer

There are a lot of people selling things that they’re just not excited about. In general, we should bring enthusiasm, belief, and excitement to our offer and it should excite us to talk about it. You can’t expect people to be excited about something that you are not excited about. 

When you can show up genuinely excited and have energy and feel super clear on your messaging, your ideal client is going to be way more on board and is going to convert much faster.

Mistake #3: Vanilla Content 

I’m talking about content with no heart, no juice, that it’s not sexy, it’s more of the same. This is not just about the messaging around the offer, but also the way that you grab people’s attention. We have to start focusing on grabbing people’s attention because otherwise, they’re just going to scroll by. 

People on social media are going a hundred miles an hour swiping, swiping, swiping, swiping, we need to think about how they are going to pay attention to us. You need to have solid messaging even in the ads world. 

Mistake #4: The way you sell is passive or vague 

When you are shrinking back in the way that you sell and “selling” for you looks like saying, “here are the ways that you can work with me” and “anytime you want to work with me I am here”, people are going to scroll by.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that your valuable content is enough, and people are going to be attracted to my content, and they’re going to click on the link of my bio. We are in an age where you have to force yourself in front of people and have to let them know very, very clearly what it is that you do and what you sell.

Mistake #5: Lack of consistency 

This is a mistake that I see so often, and it’s truly one of the biggest and most common mistakes.  Here’s what I see:  a business owner who has these flows where she’s here and then she’s not, then she’s really consistent and I’m loving her content and then she’s gone.  This is a trust, KILLER.

When you show up consistently and people know what to expect from you, that is going to build an immense amount of trust. And on top of that consistency, comes repetition. You have to have repetition in your Marketing in order to succeed. 

Want to learn more about how to market effectively and avoid costly mistakes? I’ve created a 30-day Marketing Sprint, and it’s for the service pro or the coach that wants to put a fire under their freaking marketing strategy. I’m speaking to the person who is just sick of not having the business that they want, sick of not getting the sales that they want, sick of not getting the engagement that they want, the connections that they want, and someone who is ready to go all in.

Marketing Sprint is very action based, honing in on our messaging, in on our plan, knowing what to do, when to do it, where to do it, and how to actually talk to people in a way that they will listen so that we can grow our audience and ultimately sell. 

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
