Does your ICA view you as an authority? Take the quiz!

Today we’re doing something a little bit different, and have a little bit of fun. We’re going to take a test and see if your ideal clients view you as an authority or not. I’m going to ask you nine questions and ask you to rate yourself on a scale of one to 10 for each question. 

But before we get to the quiz, let’s create a baseline right here. Because if you don’t understand or embody this next part, it’s going to be very difficult to grow and scale your business. If you don’t think that you are an authority, then other people are not going to view you as an authority. We need to move forward with the assumption that you are an authority and you need to always view yourself as an authority, regardless of how you think others may view you. Okay? Okay! 

Let’s get to the quiz!

Question #1: Do you have a website? 

You have competition in the online space, and because of that, consumers WILL be looking at your online storefront. Your website is a huge piece of that puzzle and helps communicate important factors to your prospective client. If I am tossing around a few different people that I’m considering hiring and one looks professional and clear and the website doesn’t look like it was DIY’d by your grandma, I’ll probably go with that one versus the one that looks DIY’d. 

When you have a professional website, it positions you as an authority. 

Question #2: Is the messaging on your website and social media profiles consistent and clear? 

Across all the platforms that you are on, including your website and including all social media channels, are your profiles consistent? Is it clear who you work with, what you do for them, what that transformation is, how they can work with you?

To be viewed as an authority, it is 100% necessary to demonstrate consistency in every place you show up online.

Question #3 Do you charge below industry standards or do you charge hourly?

What you charge can be the difference between somebody viewing you as an authority or not. There is a time and a place to give a discount or a bonus, but in general, you need to at least be in the middle of what other people are charging in your industry. I would caution you against trying to undercut someone else’s because that does not position you well as an authority.

Question #4 Do you display testimonials, case studies, and/or wins across your platforms consistently? 

Depending on where you are in your business, you may not have a ton of testimonials, but you should have some on your website at the very minimum. If you don’t have any testimonials yet, I recommend that you prioritize that. At the very least, you can ask a former boss or colleague for a personal reference testimonial.  When I say “win”, I mean that you need to talk about how you’re helping your clients and the transformation this is providing for them. 

Question #5 Do you show up on social media consistently with valuable content? 

Consistency builds trust. There are lots of different ways that you can show up consistently in your business, and social media is one of them. This is a part of your online storefront. And I would guess that if you’re not doing lots of direct outreach to get your clients and you’re also not consistent on social media, then you’re probably not getting a lot of new leads. There are obviously different ways that you can get clients, but showing up on social media consistently with valuable content is vital. It will speak to your authority, demonstrate your expertise, and ultimately, build trust. Trust builds authority better than almost anything else.

Question #6 Do you speak your mind in a way that could trigger some people in your audience? 

I love this one because there is nothing that builds respect and authority better than demonstrating that you are someone who can speak their mind. Yes, it will repel some people, but it will also act as a  magnet to your ideal clients. I want you to understand that I’m not saying talk about topics just for the purpose of triggering your people. No. I want you to actually care about the topics you’re speaking on. I want you to speak your mind because you want to and because this is actually how you feel. 

Question #7 Do you show up on video? 

If you’re on social media, you should also be on video. You’ve got to be showing your face. When you are talking to the camera, make sure that you’re confident. Do it in your car, do it on a walk, do it while you’re cooking dinner. Mix it up because that absolutely positions you as someone that is just confident to show up whenever, wherever with their message and to get it across.  

Question #8 Do you sell unapologetically and often? 

This is a twofold question. I would guess that if you are selling unapologetically, you’re probably selling often. Are you asking for the sale at least two weeks out of the month? If you’re just every once in a while slipping a sales pitch into a call to action, that does not speak to your authority. An authoritative industry leader knows that what they offer is amazing and they want their ideal client to take advantage of it because they know how much it can change things for them. 

Question #9 Do you collaborate with other businesses? 

Understand that any time you are collaborating with another business owner that’s also an equal authority in the space, it just really magnifies your authority. It demonstrates that they value your opinion. They value your expertise. They value your audience. Remember that because it’s a collaboration, there must be benefits to both sides. 

All of this that I’ve talked about today and more, I teach inside of Grow Business and Marketing Academy. But a big part of what we do inside Grow is helping you build

authority in a specialty so you can become that go-to industry leader. We help you build a business that is simple, sustainable, and also scalable so that you can scale a business so that you can make more money and work less. What is Inside Grow is essentially a roadmap. It is an A to B of how to grow your business simply without working more than 25 hours a week. I want you to make six figures a year and not have to work more than 25 hours a week and continually decrease that time as you scale. Sound like something you need? Click the link to find out more. 

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About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
