3 ways to make space for big growth

On today’s episode, we’re talking about making space for the growth that you want. There are many ways that you can experience business growth, and if you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while, you’ve got some idea of how to do that.  But today, I want to hone in on three things that you might be doing wrong. 

I recorded this episode for the person that’s been in business for a little while because I want to have a heart to heart with you about what it actually takes to bust through that next level. So let’s dive in.

Mistake #1: Holding on to clients that do not align

If you’re working with clients that no longer align with where you want to go and do not support your big vision, and the goals that you have, they need to go. Sometimes the client that we need to let go represents a big chunk of our income, and in that case, I’m going to encourage you to start looking at ways that you can start moving toward growth with the ultimate goal of releasing that client.  Sometimes this means releasing something or getting something off your plate to allow for growth. Bottom line? If you’re saying you want growth, you’ve to take the actions that support the growth that you want.

Mistake #2:  Not outsourcing or getting help

You have to have space to grow. A lot of the decisions that we make that promote growth involve freeing up physical and mental space for yourself so you can grow. One of the easy ways to do this, of course, especially with the physical time element here, is to outsource and hire a team member.  Personally, I know that if I want to keep running my business the way that I’m running it and keep making the revenue that I’m bringing in, and continue to grow from there, I cannot do it all. 

Get the help, take the baby steps because getting help should deliver an ROI to you. 

Mistake #3: Not making decisions for future you

If you’re making decisions for where you are, right here and right now, and you continue to do that, guess where you stay? Right here, right now, nothing changes. You need to make those decisions for where you want to be and where you’re going. 

A lot of times what I see is that people want the growth, they say they want the growth but they’re actually scared of the growth. It’s like saying you want your plants to grow, but then depriving them of water and sunlight. There are actions associated with growth.

Some of the big changes we need to make are risky, and they require new levels of trust in ourselves and new levels of trust in the process. It’s getting past fears and roadblocks. It’s taking what is in the subconscious and bringing it conscious. 

If you’ve been at the same income level for a while, or maybe it’s dipped in the last year or two, I need you to take these three mistakes to heart. If you need support, I’d love to invite you to a free coaching call with me. So check out the calendar link and see if there’s a spot that works for you. I’d LOVE to talk to you. On this free call, we’re going to dig into what’s not going right, and what you feel is holding you back. This call is essentially a diagnostic of your business! 

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
