7 journal prompts to reboot your business

Today I have seven journal prompts to share with you that are going to help you revitalize your business. If you take the time to work through these prompts, they WILL give you clarity and act as a “reboot” for your passion and purpose.

If you are someone who wants to continue building your business but feels like something is “off”, this podcast episode is for you, grab a pen and paper, and let’s get started!

Journal Prompt #1

If I could run my business anyway I want it while making the money that I desire, how would I do it? 

This is a chance for you to free-write. We’re not editing ourselves, we’re allowing ourselves to imagine a world the way that we want it to.

Journal Prompt #2

What are the parts of my business that I love? 

There’s lots of different ways that you can approach this, but at the very least you are making a list and identifying all the parts of your business that you love.

Journal Prompt #3

What are the parts of my business that leave me feeling depleted? 

This might be a combination of a couple of different things but the idea here is to pinpoint actions that you take repeatedly in your business that leave you feeling depleted. I’m talking about tasks that you have to do that you absolutely dread and that dread leaves you feeling emotionally exhausted. 

Journal Prompt #4 

What do I want to be no longer available for? 

I would love for you to really make the answer to this prompt a statement. Remember, don’t edit your answers to make them smaller or more “reasonable”. Think about the perfect scenario in a perfect world. 

Journal Prompt #5 

I no longer want my business to affect ‘X’

The purpose of this prompt is to help you figure out where you need to tweak things. This is going to lead you into these bigger, more complex thought processes. So feel free to break it down any way you feel is helpful for you. 

Journal Prompt #6 

List five things you want to change about your business.

I want you to get these things out on paper. This list of five things shouldn’t be that difficult for you to jot down. There might be 20 things that you want to change, and that’s OK. This is an opportunity for you to pull out what you’ve been suppressing. And this might not be comfortable for you to do, but it is incredibly useful and will give you so much clarity. 

Journal Prompt #7

What would an ideal Tuesday look like for you? 

Visualize what your ideal, regular Tuesday would look like from the moment you wake up, to the moment you fall asleep. This is going to be really helpful for you because it’s going to solidify what you want to be talking about. What do you want to be known for? How do you want to impact those in your circle? How do you want to feel in your everyday life? 

I challenge you to go deep with your answers and take this work seriously.  As you’re working through these prompts and you have an “aha!” moment, would you please DM me on Instagram and tell me? Because I absolutely love hearing from you guys.

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
