The danger of relying on referrals

Today I want to talk about the dangers of relying on referrals as your primary revenue source. My goal is to help you think about referrals in a different way, especially if you’re currently relying on referrals, or if you are trying to build your referral network.

First, let me clarify., There is nothing wrong with a referral and we celebrate any type of way a client comes in. I am not here to tell you that getting referrals is wrong. But relying on referrals as your marketing strategy is dangerous. 

Take control of your revenue

If up until this point you have been relying on referrals or hoping for referrals, it’s not a good strategy.  You have no control over whether or not they refer you, who they come in contact with, who may or may not need your services. It’s not a good marketing strategy because it does not put you in control of your revenue. 

Build your own audience

Build an audience that trusts you, likes you, and buys from you. That is your biggest security blanket. Consistently engaging with your audience and strategically bringing new ideal clients into your world puts you in the driver’s seat. Because if tomorrow you lose a couple clients, you should be able to head to your platform, and reach your audience full of ideal clients, and be able to fill those spots.

Build up on an online presence

When someone refers you, most likely they’re not going to immediately call and book with you. What will they do first? They are going to go to your website, your socials, and look you up and check you out. The recommendation is only part of the referral equation. Your online presence and online storefront COMBINED with that recommendation will be why you book that “referral”.

If you only remember one thing from this episode, remember that the strategy that you are in control of is the safest bet. Lots of different marketing strategies work, but we are in 2024 and there is lots of competition out there. There are lots of different people doing what you do. I do not want you to get left behind because there is a fluctuation somewhere that is out of your control. 

So listen, if you need help with your marketing, if you need help with your business in general, I invite you to check out Grow Business and Marketing Academy. Inside this program, I teach a growth framework that takes all of the different pieces of your business and helps them work together so you can start working less and making more. We are enrolling right now! If you’re interested and you wanna learn more, go to the link and check it out. I’d love to have you. 

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
