Do you have your offer’s back?

What does it mean to have your offer’s back? Do you have any offers that are collecting dust? What about the ones that you poured your heart and soul into and just a few people bought. Are you stuck in a vicious cycle of creating and launching, only to abandon that offer and create and launch again? 

So many entrepreneurs are very quick to create something new because the last offer didn’t sell the way they wanted it to. 

Ouch! Maybe that last one should have come with a trigger warning. If you can relate or see yourself in one of these scenarios, I want you to start looking at your offers a little differently. I’m going to teach you how to have your offer’s back. 

Believe in your offer. 

Why in the world would anyone else believe in your offer more than you? There is a difference between knowing you have a great offer and showing up in a way that makes that belief palpable and real to your audience. I am going to guess that if your offer is consistently not selling, or you constantly feel like you have to reinvent the wheel, it’s because there’s something in your offer that you can’t get a hundred percent behind. 

Because the second our offer isn’t performing the way we expected, we start to second-guess ourselves (and our offer).

“So-and-so is doing it like this” and

“Maybe I should try that.” and 

“Maybe the secret is this…” and

“Hmmmm, maybe if I just offer it a different way…”

And then inevitably:

“I have GREAT idea for a NEW offer!”

Listen, I love the process of creating a new offer. Creating a new offer is exciting, and energizing, right? But unless you are creating with purpose, intention and energy, a lot of the creation that I see is just scarcity talking. 

And scarcity is saying, “You know what? My other offer didn’t work or it wasn’t quite right, so I’m gonna create a new offer and that one’s gonna be IT!”

So let’s talk about the two components an offer HAS to have in order for you to be able to get into the mode that says, “I’ll go to WAR for this offer, I’m 1000% behind it” 

# 1: Transformation

Number one, the offer MUST provide the transformation that your ideal client desires. That’s non-negotiable. It has to offer a transformation that your ideal client desires. If it doesn’t, or you’re not sure – go back to the drawing board.

#2: Fall in love with the offer

Can you enthusiastically get behind EVERY PIECE of your offer? I’m talking about the process, the deliverables, the framework, the price, and all of the tiny little details that go into it. 

This is where people can get tripped up. Should I offer it this way or that way? Should I offer this little thing or that little thing? Is this length better than that length? 

I really just want you to sit for a second with this question: “How do I want to offer this, and what do my clients need?” 

Other Considerations

How do you know if you are “there”? That you are so in love with your offer that you are ready to go to war for it? That you fully have your offer’s back? Here are a few other considerations that will help you make the shifts and do the mental work to fully have your offer’s back:

Your price point

Where does the investment of this offer fall into your product suite? The price point determines the scope of work and how much of my time and resources go into working with the client. It’s a delicate balance of giving the greatest possible transformation WITHIN the scope of the investment. 

Which brings me to another important consideration:

The Scope of Your Transformation

How do you get to a place where you can be confident in the transformation and honor yourself in the process? It’s very easy to fall into the trap of wanting to give everyone the ULTIMATE TRANSFORMATION, which is going to dump everyone into our highest level container. 

The reality is, not everyone is ready for that. It’s also not feasible to give every client the level of access that a fully customized offer might have. It’s important to make that distinction not every offer is the same. It’s very important for you to get clear on the type of ideal client that goes into each of your services or offers. 

The Market Research Trap

Market research can sometimes become another source of doubt and confusion. I want to encourage you to own your own process, to trust yourself. When you fully trust yourself to create an offer and get behind the process and the transformation, you are going to be able to sell it so much easier. 

 Making Tweaks to Your Offers

Why do you feel you need to make a change to your offer? Is it because that during “market research”, one ideal client told you they’d rather this than that? Or is because you feel fully aligned with the changes you are making? Make sure any changes you make to your offer aren’t happening out of a place of scarcity, fear, or desperation.

Final Takeaway

Okay, so you have your offer’s back. You’re ready to go to war for your offer. THAT is how strongly you feel about what you can offer and what it can do for people. I have one final takeaway thought that I’d love to share with you – but I’m gonna be THAT girl, and make you go listen to the podcast to get it! If you’ve only got a minute, hop over to timestamp 19:44 in the link above! 

But, if you’ve got the time, this is a jam-packed 20-minute episode! You’ll hear examples from the experiences I’ve had building GROW Business & Marketing Academy, and so many more tidbits that were too nuanced to share in this short summary!

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More



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