Running your business when you’re stressed out

Today we’re talking about running a business when you are stressed out. Here are the facts:  you are a human, you run an online business and you also have other things going on in your life. This means that you will have days, weeks, months, and periods of time in your life where you feel more stress than you would like. You want to continually grow your business even with the added stress, but you are struggling. Today I want to talk to the woman business owner who’s feeling some stress.

Reduce the stressors you can control

There’s a whole host of things in your life that you probably can’t control. But let’s focus on what we can control here. Start with this question:  How can I reduce my stress in areas that I control? How can I set myself up for success? I need you to discipline yourself to do the things that you know you need to do in order to reduce stress. That could be taking a 10 minute break in your work day, going outside and taking a walk, drinking enough water, and taking your vitamins. You’re gonna have to determine what that looks like for you because we all relieve stress in different ways. 

Take inventory of your stressors

I want you to take the time to look at the different aspects of your business that are contributing to the stress and take inventory of what is draining you, and even what clients stress you out. Identifying the areas where we feel the most conflict, struggle, and stress, can help us minimize and manage stress. This is all about focusing on what you can control in order to contribute to the outcome that you want. 

If you’re in that space in your business where things aren’t working the way you want to, bring the focus back to you, because when we focus on what we can control, not on what we can’t, our stress level will go down.

Setting yourself up for success with planning

Get really intentional with your schedule. Dealing with difficult circumstances is stressful. But you also have to do what you have to do, which is run your business. My best advice is to take planning seriously.  When you are under stress, it’s really easy to just sit at the computer and stare at it. You know you’ve got stuff to do, but you don’t know where to start because you’re feeling overwhelmed. A plan, which is sometimes just an itemized “to-do” list, will allow your brain will switch into business mode and get started. 

Prepare yourself for stressful seasons

If you are listening to this and you are not in a season where you feel really stressed out, hear me. You need to prepare. We are humans living in a human world. It is only a matter of time, my friend, that something is going to come up. So prepare for it now. Plan for it now. Create those systems now. Create a business that is sustainable, something that holds fast, something that is consistent, that will, no matter what it goes through, hold true. 

The value of support in your business

If you are in a stressful season of your business, there is nothing that alleviates stress more than having support in your business. Not just having a support system, but also having a strategic plan in place for your business and marketing. If you’re in a stressful season right now, then I invite you to book a call with me. Let’s have a growth coaching call that’s absolutely free. This is for you if you’re looking to grow your business, and if you want to build sustainability. Maybe you’re confused about your next steps or you’ve been in business for a while and things aren’t working the way you want them to. Please book a call, I can’t wait to talk to you!

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
