Today I want to talk about “hustle”. This is one of those words that gets a bad rep, to the point that nobody even wanted to say the word.  Now it’s kind of making a comeback because people are seeing that there are necessary seasons of hustle and there’s nothing wrong with that. 

Don’t get me wrong, it IS a problem if literally every single day is a hustle, your nervous system is a wreck, you’re burnt out and there’s no end in sight. But there is a strategic way that you can hustle that actually makes a difference so that that intense season you’re in now is not where you’ll stay. 

Intentional Hustle

There’s no shame in hustling to get to where you want to be as long as you’re taking care of yourself in the process and you’re not burning out. Ultimately, when we go into hustle mode, it should be for a season and for an intentional purpose. 

Hustling as a way to get ahead is not actually going to work the way you think. Because simply “working more”  doesn’t actually move you forward. It doesn’t actually grow your business in a sustainable way unless your hustle is intentional. 

You’re not going to get where you want to be through hustling with client work. Nothing’s going to look different next year, you might have more clients, but you’ll also be working more. You might have another team member to compensate, but if you continue growing the business the way that it’s growing now, you’re still going to be working more. 

Structuring the business internally

You’re never going to get out of that cycle unless we strategically and intentionally structure the business in a way where you can start to back out of it. You need to have your systems in place. Internal systems, client systems, sales systems, everything that makes your business tick and run. You need to focus on structuring the business internally. That’s where you need to be hustling. 

What if you hustled intentionally? What if you decided to work weekends for a couple of months to get those systems in place? THAT is a season of hustle that would make a lasting impact and actually get you OFF the hamster wheel.

Side note, this is what I help my clients do. I help them with restructuring, tweaking, refining, and getting their business to a place where you can make as much money as you want to without losing revenue.  Then we work on creating a really powerful marketing strategy where they always have a pipeline of leads that is making them money. That’s what I do. Need help in that area? Book a call.

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
