Willing or Unwilling? [pssst… neither are wrong]

Today we’re going to talk about willingness and unwillingness. Get ready, because I’m about to get on my soapbox. Listen guys, there’s a little line in the sand that I need to draw. It’s the line between telling you “yes, you can have whatever you want if that’s what you desire”, and then there’s the other part of me where I need to manage your expectations. It all boils down to this:  Yes, you can have that and you can do that. But if you’re unwilling to make the changes necessary to get there, it’s not going to happen for you.

Managing Expectations

Yes, you can have whatever you want, but if you’re unwilling to take the actions to make that happen, it’s an entirely different conversation. I’ve worked with some women that tell me what they want and then their effort doesn’t match the big goals and dreams they have.. The amount of time that they’ve set aside to work on their goals doesn’t line up.. Here’s the big part I want you to understand: It’s okay to admit to yourself, “I am unwilling to do the things that I need to do in order to get what I want”.  You literally CAN have it all, but the dream that you have has to be followed up by actions that support that dream.


One of the biggest hurdles that I often see is a lack of emphasis on personal growth. Some women are unable or unwilling to change the way that they think. We’re all growing at a different pace and we all have different journeys and you’re never really done growing. But even with that said, you need to have a consistent willingness to always be better than you were the day before. I worked with a coach one time and one of her mottos was, “grow or die”. You’re either growing or you’re dying. That’s a very black and white way to look at things, but it’s true. You’re either striving to be better and to become more self-aware, or you’re not. Own your choices. 


Another big hurdle in having what you want is loose or non-existent boundaries. I work with people that really need strict boundaries in their lives because the lack of them is severely impacting the way that they can grow their business or reach their goal. There are no real systems in place or if there are, they’re constantly breaking them. I can easily tell you how to fix that, and I can break down 10 things that you need to change, but I can’t make you change them.  I’ve had clients say, “I’m not ready for that.” Okay, good. If you’re choosing to do it or not do it, own it.  That creates the awareness you’ll need to eventually make changes.

Unwilling to market

Here’s one of the biggest hurdles I see for business growth.  Business owners just aren’t able to come out of their shell enough to really humanize themselves, and to make themselves known to their ideal clients. They just can’t stay consistent for whatever reason or they are unwilling to stay consistent. They struggle with content. They’re not getting the help that they need in order to reach that next level or to get in front of their ideal client. I can give you a marketing strategy today that I know will bring in ideal clients. But you need to do the work. The best strategy in the world won’t work if you don’t implement it. We need to manage our expectations accordingly. 

Not enough time

This is such a common reason for lack of growth. Here’s the solution: You need to make the time. What does that look like for some people? Letting clients go that drain the life out of them and don’t pay them enough. Putting boundaries in place with your family, with your friends, with your clients.  It might look like a personal sacrifice, but it’s something you need to do until you get to your goal. I believe you when you say you have no time right now to fit in what I’m telling you to do. But are we good then with staying where we are? Or are we going to make the time and make the necessary changes? The choice is up to you. 

Own your choices

I think the most disempowering place to be would be in a scenario where you feel like it’s everybody else’s fault and you hold almost no power. Name what you want, take all the responsibility for not getting it, and then change it. I can tell you the one thing that I had going for me at the beginning of my business and they got me here today. That was willingness. So this is a moment for you to just do some reflection. Reflection on where you are and where you want to be and thinking about your willingness or unwillingness. And again, I’m here to remind you that neither are inherently wrong. It can be just as powerful to say, I’m unwilling to do that thing because I value something else more. That’s fine. It can be just as powerful. And it’s just as powerful to say, I’m willing to make the uncomfortable changes that I need to make in order to get what I want. And then anchoring into that. So are you willing or are you unwilling? The choice is up to you.

Let’s talk about how you can set up your goals. Book your Growth Coaching Call.

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About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
