How to turn beliefs into reality 

Today I want to talk to you about your belief system and manifestation. This is going to be a short little chat, but it’s something that I know will be valuable to you as you head into your day because we all want to turn our beliefs into reality. I often start my day with writing prompts in my journal, especially when I’m feeling like all I do is just I stare at a blank page and I’m not really quite sure where to start. 

One of my prompts is “What do I want to be true for me today or what do I believe to be true today?” It really anchors me into the reality that I want to experience. When my beliefs are behind what I want to happen there’s a much better chance of those things happening. I’m not here to argue what manifestation is and what it’s not, but to simply talk about my view of manifestation and how it actually works for me and my clients. 

Take care of your beliefs

When you believe that something is going to happen, your energy, your attitude, your effort matches that belief. When you don’t believe something is going to happen, even if you’re saying the words, your energy, attitude, and effort will also match that belief. Same actions, different energy. When you believe that something is going to happen, you’re  going to show up with more confidence. 


This is where my understanding of manifestation comes from: When you put your belief behind something, with your actions and your confidence, you are going to attract people that love that confidence. The energy is a very magnetic quality. And this energy can’t be faked. 

When you are operating your business from that space, your content is going to be better, and your conversations are going to be better.  This intangible energy that you give off is really hard to duplicate because it comes from your core. This is the essence of attraction marketing. 

Set realistic goals

What can I do to create confidence in myself? Anchor into what you believe. If you’re in a launch right now and you want 10 clients in a program, and you don’t know where they’re coming from, you really have to check what you actually believe here and anchor into what you can get your belief behind. Because you might want 10 clients but you can’t get your belief behind it. You might want 10 new clients but realistically you know you are not close to it. We need to find that sweet spot between the number we can believe in, one that stretches the edges of our goals, and one that is also realistic. That belief is what will make the difference. 

Take actions

You still have to do the things that will help you get to those goals. Believing in your goals requires you to take action.  To go out and do what you have to do, and more importantly, be that person who believes should can.  You’re working from that belief every single day consistently.

Quick reminder, before we wrap up: Grow Business and Marketing Academy has been restructured!  Right now we have a group only option, and we have a group plus VIP option. These new options will make it possible for you to get the level of support you need based on the season you are in right now in your business, and I’m super excited about it! Grow Business and Marketing Academy is the program that helps you build a simple, sustainable, and scalable six-figure business and it does it in a way that allows you to work part-time hours and make six figures a year. If you’re interested in the program please go check it out!

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
