A candid talk about investing

Today I want to have a heart to heart with you about why I’ve chosen to invest over the last five years of being in business. And why I will continue to invest in my business. There are a lot of little “ins and outs” of how I make those decisions. And I think you’ll find them helpful! When you hear about the topic of investing from a coach or someone that’s selling something, it definitely can come across as self-serving, and color the way you view the information. Today, I want to ask you to drop all of your preconceived ideas around investing, so that you can really hear this message. There’s no ulterior motive here at all. I just want to talk about this topic of investing in yourself and in your growth because it’s been truly instrumental in my business growth.

My first investment

I’ve been in business for over five years. It’ll be six years in just a couple of months. I have to admit that I did not invest in the first year of my business. But when I got to a point where I felt like I was spinning my wheels, and it was going to take me more time than I wanted it to get to where I wanted to go, I knew that it was time to invest in some support. But honestly, even in the first year, when I made my first initial coaching investment, I really didn’t know what I was doing. I knew I needed support and I did a lot of research on people and I just kind of landed on somebody. And honestly, it was a really good first experience. I really went into it really not having a lot of knowledge around why you hire a coach but it really was this catalyst into the next stage of my business. Since then I have invested on and off for the past five and a half years.

Business only flourishes if you flourish

I don’t always have a private one-on-one coach, but I almost have consistently had some sort of support from a mentor, whether that was through a membership or a group coaching offer or a mastermind or private coaching. And that has been instrumental for me because I understand that my business only flourishes if I flourish. You are quite literally the backbone of your business and your business flourishes when you are watered, when you are poured into.

You’re the biggest asset

Why in the world would you not put money and time and investment towards your biggest asset? It doesn’t make sense. I hear a lot of people talk about different things that they’re investing in and they’ll say things like “I’m not investing in a mentor right now or a coach right now,  I’m investing in systems or Facebook ads”. I need you to understand that there’s a really big difference between pouring into your business and pouring into you. 

Pouring into you

This doesn’t just stop at coaching. This also is how you’re taking care of yourself. This is how you feed your body in a way where you can optimally perform. Are you moving your body and exercising? Are you taking care of your mind? I really highly value personal development. I value being able to see my blind spots and seeing where I need additional support. Investing in your physical, mental, and emotional well-being allows you to operate your business with a sound, healthy mind, to be able to regulate your nervous system, and to use your energy wisely.

We should always be pouring into ourselves and wanting to operate optimally, not only for our business, but for our families, our partners, and mostly for us, because we deserve to live a healthy, fulfilled life.

Pour into your business

It’s not just about business coaching and business mentorship. Any good business coach is going to recognize that there should be a healthy mix of coaching that both pours into you and supports you in making business decisions.  Good coaching should support a healthy business mindset.

There have been so many business owners that I’ve seen get stuck in one spot in their business. I know from the outside looking in what exactly I would fix. But I get frustrated for them because I know that if they valued really pouring into their biggest asset, which is themselves, they could jump over this hurdle and move forward. This is truly just a smart business decision. And when you see it through that lens, it changes your mindset around investing. 

It’s not a luxury decision

The greatest business owners that we know all have mentors, they have coaches. Even at those high levels of business success stages where it seems like, “what else would they need to know?” It’s because we are so close to our businesses that we can’t see it all. And that happens to all of us. And of course, you also may have a budget restriction but there’s almost always something out there that can fit your budget. 

I encourage you to get support. Not because you’re helpless but because you deserve support because you are your business’s greatest asset. Pour into you as a human and as the human that is running the business.  What I truly want you to take from this episode is that you are valuable. You are valuable as a human and you are valuable to your business. So pour into you, find a way to pour back into you today, this week, this month. I promise you, your future self is going to thank you. 

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About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
