How to de-stress your business (part 2)

Today, we’re going to pick up where we left off last week. Let’s talk more about how to de-stress your business! If you haven’t listened to that one, go ahead and give that a listen first! I give you lots of tangible advice, very specific to clients and what to do when clients are out of scope, pushing boundaries, communication stuff, all of that client-facing stress that we all know too well. 

But today, I wanna shift gears and talk a little bit about what YOU can do. It has nothing to do with clients, but how you can create a business structure and a business plan that will help you have a business that doesn’t cause you more stress. I say more stress because there’s always going to be that little bit of stress in our businesses and our lives, maybe a lot, depending on the season, but there are definitely things you can do to minimize and address that stress.

Do you have a North Star? 

So much stress for my clients comes from decision-making. They’re not quite sure what they should be putting their energy toward. For a lot of business owners, including myself at times, we are working from behind and we feel frustrated that we don’t have enough time to do the things that we want to do. As a business owner, there’s always going to be something that you have to do. But there are things that you can do that continually tick the needle. So we have to stay really clear on our vision. You need to have a vision in your business. There needs to be a North Star. When we have our business vision, then we have our goals and then we can create our plan. 

Your vision

What do you envision for your business? If you close your eyes and imagine the type of business that you want or wish you had, what does that look like? This is a chance for you to really dream about that and think about that. I believe there’s no dream too big, there are only actions that we can take in order to get there. This doesn’t mean that just because you dream it, you can have it. There needs to be a plan in place and intentionality.

Clarity is key

Create a breakdown, a plan of what you need to do in order to get closer to your ultimate vision. Think about what you are doing today in order to get closer to that vision. This is where people get discouraged and stop, or they’re too stressed to think about that next step. As humans, we tend to be really impatient. We want it now, but I promise you, if every single day you’re putting things through your business vision, it will dictate your steps and it will also dictate your to-do list. This will in turn, de-stress a lot of your business for you. Clarity is the key. And whether there’s pit stops along the way, it doesn’t matter. The vision is clear. Lack of vision and clarity creates so much chaos in the brain. 

You need to have goals and objectives for yourself. 

When you are starting a new month, it shouldn’t be, “new month, new goals, new sales!”  It should be, it’s June, here’s what I’m doing in June. Here’s what my goals are. Here is how I’m going to hit those goals. Here is the plan. I’m saying all this because having that will de-stress your business. There are a lot of people that I talk to that are successful, but are stressed. When we dig into what their plan is, they don’t have one. They’re flying by the seat of their pants. Their business is chaotic. They’re still making money, but it’s not as much as they could be making. And they’re certainly not as happy as they could be. All of that creates a lot of stress in the business. 

You need to have a clear plan of action

So now you have a business vision, you’re clear on your objectives and now you need a clear plan of action. This is your day-to-day plan of action. I want you to take five minutes and I want you to open up a notebook. Write down everything that you have to do. Anything that comes to mind, big or small. But I want you to really break it down, not just overarching things. Then you’re going to look at that master list and you’re going to allocate those tasks to a day. So when you sit down on your computer on Monday, you know what you’re doing. That intentionality is so important. Having that plan that I can look at every single day and also knowing how many hours I have to work has really de-stressed my business. 

Plan your working hours ahead

Depending on the kind of life you live, you should have a really clear idea of how many hours a week it takes you to run your business. Consider everything that you have on your plate, your client work, your internal business work, and your marketing. Then you need to look at your week and find where you’re actually going to fit those hours in. It helps us stay really, really clear when we’re behind, it does create a lot less stress. 

I hope this helps de-stress you a little bit. If you want more help in learning how to grow a business that is simple, sustainable, and scalable so that you can earn six figures and work part-time hours, I have a special offer for you right now. It is two days of private coaching with me over Voxer. It’s only $27. There’s limited spots, so go ahead and snag one of those spots. You can’t imagine the amount of clarity that we can get in two days. It can really be transformative to your business. DM me if you have any questions.

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More



7 unpopular opinions about business

7 unpopular opinions about business

Today, we’re going to talk about my seven most unpopular opinions about business. These unpopular opinions are rooted in my own truth, my experience, my