When you need a new client, ASAP!

Today, we’re going to talk about making more sales, bringing on more clients, and how those things affect cash flow. I want to give you some advice on how to bring in clients quickly. Maybe you recently lost a client or you just want another client. If that sounds like you, this episode is perfect for you! Either way, don’t forget to save and download it so that it’s there for when you do lose a client and you’re looking to replace them quickly. 

When a client comes to me and says “I need more cash flow, and I need this to happen quickly”, they are looking for a plan on how to bring in clients quickly. Most people will head right to social media, start creating content, start doing live videos, start bombarding their audience, and selling, selling, selling. And while that’s not necessarily the wrong route, it could be the wrong route if you don’t have a warm audience. That’s not what I would normally recommend that you’re doing first. You need something that you can consistently do to generate more revenue. 

Strategy #1: Current Clients

The lowest hanging fruit is your current clients. I know that sounds kind of crazy, but your current clients are already paying you. They already trust you and most of the time, they need more support. You’re seeing the ins and outs of what they need so you could rattle off a couple of things that would potentially help them, whether that’s an additional strategy call or, jumping into a higher container, or a one-time project that you don’t normally offer.

Strategy #2: Past clients

I’m not talking about the past clients that maybe left because they weren’t happy with a service or left because they went out of business. We’re talking about aligned clients that you used to work with that you no longer work with. And as long as that parting was amicable, then you can reach back out to them. They trusted you once they probably can trust you again. 

Strategy #3: People you’ve already had a call with

So depending on what you offer, and there’s going to be nuances here, but anybody that you’ve had a call with, and that includes a sales call, a free call, a Voxer, and they are going to be warm. In order for this to work and work really well, you’ve got to keep those leads warm through interaction. This isn’t like dipping into the cash cow every time you suddenly have a financial need. These are people that you have continually nurtured and have a report with. 

I’m talking about anybody that you’ve come in contact with face-to-face or voice-to-voice. That is your best bet when it comes to making that fast sale. Because they already have some level of trust with you. Not as much trust as somebody that’s already bought from you or is currently buying from you. But you do have a higher chance of peaking their interest and having them either jump back on a call with you or jump right in. 

Strategy #4: Proposals that didn’t get accepted

I’m talking about the proposals where people say, “I really love to”, but maybe their budget was a little bit too low. Maybe they decided that it wasn’t the right time. Maybe they decided to go with somebody else. These are the perfect people to reach out to. If you, were excited originally to work with them and disappointed when they said no because they were a good fit, don’t hesitate to reach out to them. 

Strategy #5: Tracking your leads

This group of people maybe haven’t necessarily shown specific interest in your offer or specific interest in working with you. But you know that they would be a good fit and you have some level of a relationship with them. Maybe you are in and out of each other’s DMS. Maybe they’ve interacted with some of your business content and you’re really feeling like they could be a really good fit for one of your offers. 

This doesn’t mean, “she followed me yesterday and she would be a perfect fit”. Cold DM messages are a hard NO. Don’t read into this strategy and start sending spammy messages. I’m talking about people that you’ve just been chit chatting with for 30 days or more. 

Strategy #6: Anybody that you’ve met in person

If you’ve been to networking events. If you have been to retreats with people, and you think someone would be a warm lead, reach out to them. Use your email or DM’s, whatever works best for you to say something like “I met you at X networking event and we chatted about Y, Z. I loved learning about your business and I’m reaching out because you mentioned in our conversation that you really wanted to you know…”.  This can be a great way to reconnect with a business friend and potentially start a mutually beneficial relationship.

If you feel like you’ve exhausted all of these strategies, or you’re just going to hit them all, and you need help with that, that’s what I do. I look at your entire business and put everything through the lens of simplicity and sustainability. If you want to learn more about Grow Business and Marketing Academy, hit this link or DM me on Instagram. Let’s chat!  

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More



5 blindspots you probably have

5 blindspots you probably have

Let’s talk about something that’s probably making you uncomfortable right now: your blindspots. We all have them, even the most successful entrepreneurs. You know what