7 scroll-stopping content ideas to use on social media

Today we’re gonna talk about one of my favorite topics – content! I want to give you some tangible advice as it pertains to the angles at which you write your content. There are probably more than seven ideas, but the point is that you really CAN say the same thing in a bunch of different ways. When you’re able to do that and really understand the different ways that you can deliver content, then you’re able to stretch your content a lot further. That allows you to work a lot smarter and reach larger audiences. So we’re going to dive right into it. 

#1. Educational content.

Education is one of my favorite ways to approach a topic. It’s not just about teaching your audience something. It is about positioning yourself as the person who knows what they’re talking about. If you can educate on it, if you can give really good advice, if you can speak directly to their desires by giving them tangible steps, you will stick in their mind as someone that is helpful. You want to be remembered as someone that they could potentially reach out to when they need support as maybe their next coach or their next service provider. It’s a great way for you to build authority, especially if you are a little bit newer in business and you don’t maybe have a lot of testimonials to share or wins to share. Educational content can be super compelling, super juicy, and super scroll-stopping. Some people think it’s dead because most people create educational content in a way that’s super boring. 

#2 Tell a story about a client. 

Example:  “A client came to me and she was struggling with X, Y, and Z. Here are the things that we did to solve her problem in three days.” Of course, this is just an example. If you are not working with a client right now you could tell your audience about a particular problem that you want to solve in the future with a client. You’ll notice a lot of times that it starts with a story about a client and a lot of times turns into an educational type of post.

#3 Tell a story about you.

Example:  “I used to be so worried about X, but now I know Y, and Z.” For me, this might look like this:  “I used to be so worried about repeating my message over and over again, but now I know that repeating my message actually elevates my authority and my visibility. Here’s how I do it.”  Again, this leads into educational content, but the angle is different. It’s using a different type of lead-in. 

#4 Rants.

It’s probably just my personality or kind of my signature, but a “rant post” comes out kind of easy to me. A rant can be a really great angle for something. I know that’s kind of hard hitting and a little bit polarizing, but that type of content does really, really well. Don’t shy away from it. It could be a little bit intimidating to do that, but it’s the type of content that gets people talking. A lot of times you could be saying something that other people are like, “I’m glad somebody said it.” That’s when your ideal clients can start to notice you. 

#5 Pop culture reference. 

These are really great for captions and utilizing memes and viral content. The reference has to be somewhat well-known in order for it to work. But, you also could do something that’s on brand. So for me, I don’t always talk about The Office, but it’s definitely a part of my brand. So if I was utilizing a pop culture reference, I might utilize an episode that is relatable to a topic I wanna talk about. This is probably not something you want to do constantly, but it does mix things up a little bit.

#6 Motivational content.

This type of content is about something I’ve experienced and I want to bring that perspective to my audience. This continues to help me build that authority. It can do a lot of different things, and one of them is helping people know (and trust!) me on a more personal level.

#7 Personal content

This could bleed into motivational content or a story about you, but I wanted to put it in its own category because there is a time and a place to share personal tidbits about yourself and it can really humanize you to your audience. I like to be connected with my people, I don’t want it to just be me constantly talking “at” them. I want people to know that I am human and I actually find it therapeutic to sometimes talk about different things that are going on in my life. It makes people view me as not just like this business owner and not just all numbers. It makes me uncover a layer that helps people trust me more. 

So that was seven angles to help you write your content. There’s many more, but I hope that this gave you some juice to work with. This just really scratches the surface of how I help you create really compelling content across multiple platforms inside of Grow Business and Marketing Academy. Grow is 60 plus lessons altogether. It is literally the last program you’ll ever need. If you are not where you want to be and you want to grow your business, GROW is what you’ve been looking for.

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About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More



10 New Year Journal Prompts

10 New Year Journal Prompts

Let’s talk about journaling. I know what you might be thinking – “I’m not good at journaling” or “I never know what to write about.”