An Unusual Way of Displaying Confidence Online

In a world of polished social media profiles and carefully curated content, what if the key to standing out and attracting your ideal clients was something completely unexpected? What if the secret to displaying confidence online wasn’t about perfection, but about embracing your humanity? Buckle up, because we’re about to challenge everything you thought you knew about showing up confidently on social media.

The Old School Approach: Polish and Perfection

Remember when confidence meant having every hair in place, a flawless script, and a presentation so polished you could see your reflection in it? That was the old-school way of showing up confidently online:

– Perfectly put together appearance

– Scripted and rehearsed content

– Elimination of all “ums” and “ahs”

– Professional attire and makeup

But times have changed, and so have the rules of engagement on social media.

The New Confidence: Authentic Humanity

What’s working now on social media might surprise you. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about being real. Here’s why showing up as a human is the new hallmark of confidence:

  1. Casual Correspondence

Forget the formal business speak. The most confident people on social media are those who can hop on a video, hair a mess, talking from their kitchen or bed, and share their thoughts as if chatting with a friend. It’s this casual, unscripted approach that truly showcases confidence.

  1.  Unscripted and Unfiltered

While having an outline can be helpful, there’s immense power in simply sharing your thoughts as they come. Whether it’s a reaction to something you’ve seen or an impromptu rant about an industry issue, speaking off-the-cuff demonstrates a level of confidence that scripted content can’t match.

  1. Embracing Imperfections

Pauses, “ums,” and moments of lost train of thought aren’t weaknesses – they’re signs of humanity. The confidence to leave these in your content rather than editing them out shows that you’re secure in your expertise and don’t need to present a facade of perfection.

  1. Showing Up in All States

From “I just rolled out of bed” morning check-ins to the end-of-day disheveled updates, sharing yourself in various states throughout your day creates a connection with your audience. It takes confidence to show the world your real self, not just your “best” self.

Why This Approach Works

  1. Relatability Sells

When you show up as a real person, you become relatable. Your audience sees themselves in you, making it easier for them to connect with and trust you.

  1. Authenticity Attracts

Polished content is everywhere, so that makes authenticity stand out. By being genuinely you, you attract clients who appreciate and resonate with your true self.

  1. Confidence Through Consistency

The more you show up as yourself, the more confident you become. It’s a self-reinforcing cycle that builds both your presence and your audience.

  1. Setting Yourself Apart

While others are hiding behind perfect posts, you’re building real relationships. This human approach sets you apart.

Developing Your Confidence Muscle

If this approach doesn’t come naturally to you, don’t worry. Like any skill, it can be developed:

1. Start small with short, unscripted stories or posts

2. Practice speaking your thoughts out loud, even when not recording

3. Focus on the value you’re providing rather than how you look or sound

4. Remember that your ideal clients want to connect with a real person, not a polished brand

The Foundation of True Confidence

While showing up authentically is crucial, it’s important to note that true confidence stems from believing in what you offer. If you’re not 100% behind your products or services, it will be challenging to display genuine confidence online. Make sure that you’re fully aligned with your offers – this alignment is the bedrock of authentic, confident communication.

Conclusion: Embrace Your Humanity

In the end, the most powerful display of confidence on social media isn’t about being perfect – it’s about being perfectly you. By embracing your humanity, showing up consistently, and sharing your genuine thoughts and experiences, you create a brand that organically attracts your ideal clients.

Remember, people aren’t buying from you because your hair is perfect or because you never stumble over your words. They’re buying from you because they connect with you, trust you, and believe in the transformation you offer.

Ready to Transform Your Online Presence?

If you’re game to develop this authentic confidence and create a powerful online presence that attracts your ideal clients, I have something for you! Grow Business and Marketing Academy is THE program to not just help you embrace authenticity online but to give you the strategies you need to market and sell effectively.

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About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More



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