What Are You Even Selling?

Picture this: You’ve crafted what you believe is a killer offer. Your sales page is up, and you’re ready to rake in those sweet, sweet sales. But crickets. Why? Because your potential clients are scratching their heads, thinking, “What are they even selling?” Ouch. Let’s dive into why clarity in your offers is not just important—it’s absolutely crucial for your business success. And trust me, by the end of this post, you’ll be itching to revamp those vague offers into crystal-clear money-makers.

The Vague Offers Trap

Ever caught yourself thinking, “If I keep it vague, I won’t repel anyone”? Spoiler alert: that’s a one-way ticket to Struggle Town, population: you.

Here’s the truth bomb: **You must repel people for the right people to buy your offers.** When you stay vague, you attract no one. Let that sink in for a moment.

Sure, you might occasionally sell something with vague language to your ride-or-die audience who’d buy your used socks if you offered them. But for new, fresh faces? You need clarity like you need oxygen.

Clarity on your offers: Your Secret Weapon

Think of clarity as your secret sauce. It’s what transforms a wishy-washy “maybe” into a hell-yes purchase. Here’s how to wield it:

1. Get Specific: Ditch the “we could do these four things” approach. It’s like offering someone a menu with 100 items—they’ll spend more time choosing than eating. Pick your star dish and showcase it.

2. Speak to Desires: Your offers should hit your ideal client’s biggest desire like a bullseye. Want to help them work less? Great, but lead with how it’ll make them more money. That’s the sexy part that sells.

3. Paint the Picture: Be crystal clear about what they’ll get, what they’ll go through, and most importantly, the results they’ll walk away with. Make it so vivid they can taste success.

The Power of Repelling

Remember, if you’re not repelling someone, you’re probably not attracting anyone either. It’s counterintuitive, but it works. Here’s why:

– It Creates Trust: When you’re specific, it shows you know exactly who you’re talking to and what they need. That builds trust faster than you can say “take my money.”

It Simplifies Decision-Making: By being clear, you’re making it easy for your ideal client to say, “Yes, that’s exactly what I need!” (Or “Nope, not for me,” which is equally valuable.)

– It Amplifies Your Expertise: Specificity showcases your deep understanding of your niche. It’s like having a neon sign that screams “expert” above your head.

Customization Doesn’t Mean Vague

Got a one-on-one offer or something super customized? You can still be clear without boxing yourself in. Here’s how:

1.Define the Who: Get super specific about who it’s for. “This is for the entrepreneur who wants to make more money but breaks into a cold sweat at the thought of adding one more thing to their plate.”

2.Outline the What: Even if the “how” is customized, be clear about what you’ll cover. “We’ll restructure your business, streamline your processes, and create a marketing strategy that brings in clients without burning you out.”

3.Promise the Outcome: Be bold about the transformation. “After 90 days, you’ll have a scalable business and a clear roadmap to bring in clients without working more hours.”

The Clarity Challenge

Here’s your homework (because what’s a good lesson without a little action?):

1. Look at your current offers.

2. Ask yourself: “If someone who’s never met me landed on this page, would they know exactly what I’m selling?”

3. If the answer isn’t a resounding “HECK YES,” it’s time to get clear.

Remember, being specific doesn’t mean you’ll make less money. In fact, it usually means the opposite. Clarity attracts the right people, and the right people are the ones who buy.

If you’re sitting there thinking, “Damn, I need to revamp my offers, but where do I even start?” – I’ve got you. This is exactly the kind of work we dive into in my Growth Accelerator.

Imagine having someone who can look at your offers with fresh eyes, help you hone in on what makes your ideal clients tick, and craft messages that have them reaching for their credit cards. That’s what we do.

In just 90 days, we can transform your vague, “meh” offers into irresistible, “shut up and take my money” packages that have your ideal clients lining up at your virtual door.

Remember, in the world of offers, if you’re not repelling, you’re not selling. So get clear, get specific, and watch your business soar. Your future clients (and bank account) will thank you.

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More



Your Q4 Growth Checklist

Your Q4 Growth Checklist

As the leaves begin to change and the air turns crisp, there’s an undeniable energy in the air for business owners. It’s the start of