What Marketing Budget? Market Your Business for FREE!

Whether you are just starting out, or have been in business for a while, you know how important marketing is to the success of your business. You also know how expensive it can be! So, before you start dumping money into paid ads, try these simple tactics first!

Social Media

If you are an established business or just starting out, you are likely on a social media platform. If you are not, you should be. Social media is the Yellow Pages of the internet and even if you are not actively posting and engaging it is still important to establish yourself on the platform of your choice so that you can be found with ease. Facebook is the recommended place to start for web based and brick and mortar businesses alike, because a third of the world’s population is actively using Facebook. Let me say that again, TWO BILLION active users! Now, that’s not to say that you should only be on Facebook, but if you are trying to decide where to establish yourself, start there. It’s important to remember that you do not own your account and you don’t hold any power when it comes to policy changes, algorithm variations, shut downs and possible hacks, so remember to always diversify your free marketing strategy.

Email List

This is probably the single most important marketing strategy out there! E-mail is a personal approach to market to individuals and businesses. Unlike Social Media where only an average of 10% of your followers are shown your posts, e-mail is a direct line to your customers. There are several ethical methods to obtain an e-mail list…

  1. Create a sign-up form on your website using a mailing software like Mailchimp to collect e-mail addresses from those that request to be on your list.
  2. Offer value with a coupon code, free digital download, free item or giveaway entry in exchange for an e-mail address.
  3. Create an e-mail list from existing customers that have given you their e-mail through a previous purchase and have given you permission to send updates.

There are many ways that e-mail marketing can work for your business, but there is a WRONG way to do this and it actually could land you in a bit of trouble under the CAN-SPAM Act. In addition to that, before you send out any form of e-mail, consider what you like and dislike when receive e-mails in your inbox. Your e-mails should not feel spammy to your reader.  Design it to feel personal, to the point and always provide value before trying to sell anything!


If you’re like me, the word “networking” made me immediately start sweating. But, networking doesn’t have to be scary, in fact you’re probably networking without even knowing it!  There are a few easy ways to get your name and business out there and you can start by just telling people what you do. How many times have you been asked, “what do you do, or where do you work?” This is a perfect opportunity to hand them a business card and tell them about your business. To avoid stammering and risk being unclear, prepare an elevator speech that describes what you do, so you can pitch yourself quickly and effectively. Word of mouth can be powerful, and you don’t want to waste those opportunities. Another great way to network, is by joining online groups and forums that fit your target market. This is particularly important if you have an online based business. It’s also worth noting that whenever you show up online or in person, you are representing your business or brand. This may seem like an exhausting mindset, but just think of it as putting your best face forward whenever you get the chance. Eventually, you’ll find this to be second nature.

There are many ways to market your business for free, and these are just a handful that I find to be the simplest ways to get started with little or no cost. Stay consistent and determined and you will find these strategies can be effective tools at moving your business forward.

What are FREE Marketing strategies that you’ve found to be helpful? Let me know!

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
