How to Gain New Skills as a Virtual Assistant

In this post, you’ll learn how to go about gaining new skills as a Virtual Assistant.

Learning is a huge part of being a Virtual Assistant and if you want to be a Virtual Assistant that stands out from the crowd, then you better put on that learning cap and make sure it fits really snug.

In the very beginning of your Virtual Assistant journey, I am going to urge you to use the skills that you already possess or skills that literally anyone can do. But, if you want to advance your career, charge more money and book out your services, then you need to continue your education every chance you get.

From here on out, I want you to view continuing education like money, lots of money. Because my friend, it is!

In this post, I’m going to give you a few places that you can learn new skills for FREE and also what skills I believe are the most in demand.

Where to learn new skills for free

Below you’ll find 5 resources to help you start learning your way to the top. You’ll find webinars, tutorials, courses, and even free certifications to get you started with your continuing education.

Hubspot – You’ll find free courses and free certifications. If you are looking to learn the ins and outs of in-demand services, this is a great place to start.

Udemy – This is by far one of the largest online learning centers with over 100,000 video courses. If you’re looking for it, chances are Udemy has it!

SkillShare – If you are looking for creative topics to learn, then skillshare is where it’s at. They offer training on every topic imaginable, even for those really niched skills you’re curious about.

Alison – If you are looking for really in-depth courses that come with certifications, then you should look into this platform. They offer over 1000 high-quality courses, all for free!

YouTube – I owe YouTube my success. Not really, but almost! You can find so many answers on YouTube and I highly recommend that you consider this as your new best friend and in case you didn’t know, you can play videos up to 2X speed.

So, now that you know where to go to learn, what should you actually be learning?

Below you’ll find 5 of the top services that are in demand


Words sell, always have and always will. Copywriters are in demand for social media, email marketing, sales pages, website copy, blogging and more. Skilled copywriters usually have a knack with words, are creative and can think outside the box. Not everyone is born with the skill, but you can learn! Find a few online courses and exercise that writing brain every day. Starting my own blog has really helped me to refine this skill!

Social Media Management

Every single online business needs to be on Social Media in some way, shape or form. So it’s no surprise that social media management is in high demand. Particularly on the rise is Instagram Management. The best way to learn is to do, so my greatest piece of advice is to work on your own social media account. If you don’t have one, start one from scratch and use the transformation in your portfolio as an added bonus. Remember, if you offer social media management, you should have a social media account of your own.

Digital Course Creation

This industry is exploding and for good reason. An online course is a great way to teach to the masses and create a passive revenue stream. But, a quality course and launch are not for the faint of heart. This is where a Virtual Assistant can come in and aid with video editing, transcription, content creation, webinar support, etc. This skill is highly marketable and is a skill to add to your toolbox.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is still the number one way to convert leads into sales. However, many small businesses and entrepreneurs don’t have an email list because it can be a bit overwhelming. I suggest picking a platform and learning it well. And because having an email list is important for the Virtual Assistant as well, start with your own email list first. I started out with MailChimp because it’s free for the first 2000 subscribers. As you grow in your business you may find that a program like ConvertKit is a bit more robust.

Podcast Managers

I love Podcasts. I tune in about 10 times a week, for real. In fact, this really could have made the free education part of this post. I built my business from the help of podcasts! So, yes this made my list because Podcasts are all the rage and a new podcast pops up constantly. But, because not everyone who wants to host a podcast is technically savvy, this service is in demand, and likely will be for the foreseeable future. I recommend taking some online courses, watching YouTube tutorials and connecting with another VA that already provides this service and is willing to answer a few questions.

If you are having trouble deciding on what new skill to learn, consider what you really enjoy or intrigues you. It’s much easier to learn when your heart is in it. Avoid the urge to hop around, pick one new skill and learn it from the inside out before moving on to the next.

Tell me in the comments what new skills you might want to learn!

If you are looking for a community of Virtual Assistants to learn and grow with, please join The Virtual Assistant Club and tune in for weekly (sometimes daily) mini-trainings, along with tangible advice and support! Can’t wait to meet you!

If you’d like to contact me for Virtual Assistant services, or you’re a Virtual Assistant seeking advice, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

About Me
About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
