6 Productivity Tips for the Work at Home Mom

We all have good intentions when our feet hit the ground in the morning but sometimes the day takes over and we’re left feeling like we didn’t accomplish anything! Sound familiar? Because this is something so many of us struggle with, myself included, I thought it would be appropriate to share a few of the tried and true methods that I use on a daily basis that help me stay productive.

1. Plan in advance:

Before you go to bed, grab your planner or whatever you use to keep your day on track (I use a block scheduler), and write down everything you need to get done the next day and when you plan on doing it. Consider scheduling the most important tasks at the beginning of the day to ensure that they will get done, even if your day throws you a plot twist. (Hello Parenthood!)

2. Show up in the morning:

When you wake up in the morning, get dressed, do your morning beauty routine and make your bed. I know this sounds silly, but it is a really important element to jump-starting your day! No one feels like they’re ready to conquer their day in a robe and slippers, right?

3. Quiet time:

I try my hardest to get up before my kids (mainly my two-year-old), grab my water bottle and devotional and sit on the couch for about 15 minutes. I read, pray and think about all that I’m thankful for. Grounding yourself at the beginning of the day is so important for your mental health and will really set the tone for your day.

4. Cut the distractions out:

No, I’m not talking about your kids! I’m talking phone alerts. Just turn off those unnecessary distractions. Do you really need to know every time you get an email, Instagram alert or text? I’m guessing not. Instead, schedule in a time to check all your alerts a few times a day or whatever works for you. I swear, this will save you A LOT of time! (read more about this strategy here)

5. Be flexible and realistic:

Managing your expectations for the day is a big part of being a work at home mom. Flexibility is the name of the game! So, create margin in your schedule to account for diaper changes, tea parties, organizing crafts, outside play and just being a parent! I know it might sound crazy, but I schedule in time to play with my kids. I will block out time to sit on the floor, drag all the Little People or Lego out and “pretend” my butt off with my girls. This usually looks like 30 minute increments throughout the day. I find that if I schedule in time instead of trying to find the time, I can stay more organized, less frazzled and my kids get the attention they deserve.

6. Know your limits:

I’m preaching to the choir on this one. I have to tell myself often, “You are one person, you can NOT do it all, you need to get some sleep, it’s okay to sit and do nothing for a minute, etc.” I’m a highly driven person with a laundry list of ideas, to-dos and goals and this tends to bring on burnout or breakdowns. I’ve learned that right around the time I start thinking, “why am I doing this again?” or “I’m not cut out for this”, that those are my cues to take a break. I shut the computer down, walk away and do something completely unrelated to work. Usually it will give me the mental break I need to jump back in.

Sometimes even the best of plans can be derailed. So, if your day doesn’t go the way you hoped, remember that you are human, somethings are just out of your control and you have the next day to get it right!

Tell me your methods for staying productive! Send me a message or drop it in the comments! I actually LOVE hearing from my readers, so don’t be shy!

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About Me

Hi! I'm Peggy. Your marketing obsessed, streamline everything, meet you right where you are, coach. I’m here to give you massive clarity on your next steps so you can make more money while working less! Learn More
